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Sunday, July 7, 2013

You can't make this stuff up!

For a while I had a blog with our local newspaper, at times I called the blog  "You can't make this stuff up". It was fun and consisted of the truly idiotic in the news.

Today I'm reading the newspaper and find it full of  the idiotic and weird. So here are some of today's "You can't make this stuff up" stories.

A pedestrian is critically hurt by a  drunk driver. The driver is arrested for drunk driving. What's so weird about this (you may ask)? The vehicle was actually a bicycle,  the driver of the bike was so drunk he couldn't avoid a pedestrian and the pedestrian apparently couldn't avoid the bicycle. The sad part is that the pedestrian was actually badly hurt.

A 16 year old boy wearing a Batman shirt and mask was arrested for breaking into a building at the Colorado State Fair. He turned himself in to police when he saw his "likeness"  on local TV. My idea of a headline would be "Robin ends up in Slammer"! You're wearing a "mask" you see a picture of the Masked Avenger on TV and you turn yourself in?? Holy Cow Droppings Batman, POW, BIFF, BAM, CRASH!

Our local University, "UNLV considers offering minor in drones" (that was the actual headline). How in the world would they actually get the "minor" in the drone?? And who would want the minor after he was stuffed into a drone??

A Swedish Company is now "hawking" spitless tobacco?

Heck, we've been "hawking" a brainless VP for years now!

Designers tailor clothes for "Indian Belly"? Indian Belly? How about "mufflers" for Biden mouth?

And last but not least, "Soccer fans behead a Referee"!  This actually happened in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Ref. called a foul, the player got angry and punched the Ref., the Ref. got angry and stabbed the player (killing him). The players fans and family stormed the field and stoned the Ref. to death and then quartered his body and decapitated him. And we thought the Raiders football fans were a bit violent at times.

As Bill O'Reilly says "We are always looking out for you"!