My Blog List

Friday, June 20, 2014

Political Profiles and Pontifications

Wombat, A Marsupial from Australia, A Furry and Lovable little Critter. 
Ding Bat, Brainless Critter from Washington D.C. pretending to be relevant. 
Fruit Bat, a flying critter who just really likes to nibble on ripe fruit. Harmless.
A Fruit Fly, something smaller than a Fruit Bat who does spread disease. Harmful.
Senatorial Fruit who believes he is smarter than you and I. Extremely dangerous and 
lethal to your financial well being.. 
 Chia Planter, a totally hollow and empty clay container used for planting Chia Seeds.
Some uses of Chia Planters used to grow fake beards and hair on empty clay figurines.
Political Chia's, empty headed  bald men attempting to appear relevant by planting plugs
on their heads instead of implanting wisdom or even a little semblance of intelligence.   
 Hair Plugs implanted on Hair Brains. Am I pretty or what?
Oscar Meyer Wieners, ingredients which (if read) will turn your stomach.
Political Wiener, A true Twit who posted personal pictures on Twitter
 which will also turn your stomach. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

My recent steps to buying a New Car.

Decided to buy a new car, my old car was not doing so good!

The look on my face when I saw the dealer invoice!

My dealers salesperson assigned to sell me a new car!

Jumping for joy with my decision to buy after the dealers discount
(or was it just the sales person saying "Dance Sucker, Dance"?)
What I've been using for transportation these last few weeks while looking at new cars!
What the new car will look like when all the Grand Kids pile in!
What I'll probably be driving and living in after my ten year monster new car loan is paid off !
What I'll be doing for the next ten years to make a little extra money to make my car payments.
And last but not least, what I'll be eating for the next ten years in order to make my humongus car payments!
That's my story and I'm sticking with it!