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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme! You "bet your bippy" it is!

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry recently said Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme! (And the liberals, in unison, all said Boo Hiss). Unfortunately he, Perry, "hit the nail on the head". Lets take Bernie Maddoff's Ponzi Scheme first, he had people give him money (they erroneously considered it an investment). He (Bernie) promised a spectacular return on the invested money, in time and he actually honored that promise (at least for awhile). He spent that (invested)  money on his own lavish living expenses and paid initial investors back with future investors money. The initial investors who made money told friends and others about Bernie's promised huge returns and got them to invest. Not once did Bernie actually "invest" any of that money in a real and profitable investment. He spent lavishly on himself and his family and other close compatriots.

Now lets go to that grand old Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security. The government (aka politicians) got honest folk to give them money with a future promise of returns in time. The government (again politicians), instead of investing that money in honest to goodness profitable investments, spent that money on themselves, their States and constituents (bridges to nowhere, airports with no airplanes landing at them and towns that wanted cowboys to have a place to recite poetry, etc.) with the same thoughts (that good old Bernie had) that future investors would pay the initial investors when the investments came due.

So in both cases the good folk who invested "got screwed", while good old Bernie and the Politicians (both parties) got richer and richer on OPM (other peoples money).

The difference is that Bernie, when caught at his grand old Ponzi scheme, went directly to jail without collecting the $200.00 prize for passing GO. The Politicians, who did the same as Bernie, got re-elected and eventually retired and lived lavish lives on the public's money "for ever after" amen. (Both political parties are as guilty as sin in this Ponzi scheme called Social Security).

Had Bernie (or the Politicians) invested the money they received in good old fashioned investments (sort of like Warren Buffet invested and became hugely wealthy) Bernie would be a hero to his investors today and Social Security would be solvent for the next several hundred years instead of being bankrupt.

So YES, Governor Perry was right when he said Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. It was never meant to be that way but when corrupt politicians got wind of the huge surplus's in the Social Security "lock box" they simply opened it up and spent it with abandon and replaced it with a future generations IOU's knowing damn well they wouldn't be around when these IOU's finally came due!

So it appears "Crime Does Pay" but only when you are in government and control the system and have no liability because you control the system and have included a "No Liability Clause" in the system. (see Barney Frank or Chris Dodd, two out of hundreds of politicians who got away and continue to get away with "Grand Theft" because they have no liability according to their own policies and laws they created and passed.)

(Thus, thank heaven, the second coming of the "Tea Party")

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