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Friday, January 27, 2012

From Yugo to Volt to Fair Taxes and other Ponderables!

The Yugo, a little car made by the good folk in the former Yugoslavia that perfected the American model of falling apart immediately after driving it off the dealership lot.

Kaboom, the sound heard when starting a Volt ! Clang Clang Clang, the sound of a Yugo driving down a street! Imagine if you could harness the energy you get from a Volt exploding, we could heat an entire subdivision, forget solar, forget nuclear, forget coal and oil heating, Obama Motors has solved the energy crises. Get your Volt today from OBM and heat your entire neighborhood tomorrow.

How about that Romney, the audacity of him to not pay his fair share of income taxes. Here's a guy who worked in private industry, during which time he alone paid more in income taxes then 70% of all tax payers, then he had the temerity to invest what was left (of his own money after taxes) in the stocks and bonds of private corporations, which kept tens of thousands of Americans working, and when these corporations made a profit he actually had the guts to accept a dividend for his investment which he once again paid taxes on (some misinformed folk actually believe this to be a form of double taxation, but we know better, Obama should take all those dividends (100%) and spread the wealth around to those who don't want to work but would rather let the government support them while sleeping in tents occupying Wall Street and pooping on cop cars). So Mitt, how about paying your fair share, you can also pay my fair share and Newt's, too, as well as the multitude who have no clue what a 1099 form or a 1040 form look like (some guy named Geitner comes to mind here). (Of course if these corporations Mitt invested in, failed, Mitt lost his entire investment and got NO tax benefits of any kind, however we all know this is as it should be for his kind, those hateful 1% guys and gals!).

TARP, We gotta pass this or our financial system will collapse. Or so said the politico's then and now. We'll get it all back plus interest. Or so said the politico's then and now. In a new (just released) memo from our illustrious government, they report we (meaning us tax payers) have written off  (meaning it's gone and never to be seen again) about 7 Billion Dollars and will NOT collect another $4 Billion Dollars of that TARP bailout money. (Poof, gone, kaput). Of course we must all understand that those good folk running TARP and Fannie and Freddie and the many bailed out banks simply must give their top officers humongous bonuses for their great job in running these bankrupt firms before any government loans are paid off. Heck and golly gee wizz, the Fed can simply print lots more money, after all they own the majority of forests and trees in our nation so they have a vast supply of potential paper just waiting to be wasted (used, I meant used),  (of course and on course, our illustrious government keeps rolling along, same old same old, doesn't matter the party affiliation, as we all know, power corrupts and absolute power stinks to high heaven which could be why some leaders initials spell those very famous and smelly odors, BO).

Now you may understand why that wise old owl (pictured above) appears to be pulling his hair
(aka head feathers, not to be confused with head lice) out!

And last but not least, our illustrious government has now decided, in order to pay for Obamacare, all seniors must immediately move into government approved housing. We hacked the government web site and got a picture of this approved housing which we've decided to publish (at the threat of being jailed along with the Wikileaks founder for a very long time). But you my faithful readers (all one of you) are worth my sacrifice.

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