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Friday, June 21, 2013

Political Lunacy

Nevada, recently approved giving Driving Privilege Licenses to ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Our REPUBLICAN Governor, who had the power to veto this idiocy, actually approved it.
So if you are ILLEGALLY IN THE USA you can now drive legally. Huh???

(Thus my Burro Chip award to the Governor of Nevada!)

Every year there are many more deaths by ILLEGAL ALIENS causing auto accidents (and many aren't truly accidental) then deaths caused by guns (legal or illegal, accidental or intentional)!

Using this logic, why not allow ILLEGALS to buy AK47's?? (Like Eric Holder has already done which not only killed hundreds (thousands??) of Mexicans but also an American Border Agent).
Along with their driver privileges, why not allow illegals and criminals to purchase AK47's,  Eric Holder did!!


Both vehicles and guns are, or can be used as "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (it's happening in Muslim countries on a daily basis)! Our Government Immigration Dept. has statistics on ILLEGALS and the accidents and deaths they cause. Those numbers are huge (but you'll never see them), driver licenses WILL NOT reduce this cause of accidents and deaths. It simply gives these ILLEGALS the hope that they will be given amnesty which will draw many more illegals to our country. When we confiscate all lethal guns lets also confiscate all lethal cars and trucks.

One (supposed) reason for this idiocy is that ILLEGALS may now decide to buy auto insurance. This reasoning is idiotic, they are ILLEGAL, they are working at very low wages, they are supporting other illegals (family members etc.) THEY DON'T HAVE THE EXCESS FUNDS TO BUY AUTO INSURANCE!!! If caught without auto insurance, they have nothing to lose, there are no penalties! They are here ILLEGALLY, and our Immigration Authorities are doing NOTHING about this. Obama released thousands of illegals from detention and eventual deportation, WHY? At most they )illegals) will be sent back to their own country only to sneak back into America two days later.

The main reason for this idiocy is, if amnesty does get approved, these politico's simply want the votes. They (the politico's) are willing to sell America down the river just to retain all the perks of political office. They don't give "two flips" about you or I, nor do they actually care about the ILLEGALS! They only care about votes which allow them the vast perks of political office.

We desperately need to take a stand, we desperately need to vote them ALL out of office (even the Republicans who have no idea what "Conservative" really means any longer) !!!!

Our Governor (Sandoval) who allowed this atrocity
our Republican Senator (Reid) who voted FOR the "amnesty bill"
have lost my vote now and in the future (never again)!

And another Burro Chip award to our very own Harry Reid!
We desperately need TERM LIMITS for ALL political offices!
If you agree with me, PRINT this Blog and send a copy to your Senator or Congressman.
We need to take a stand, we need to take our country BACK from those who don't believe in nor follow our Constitution!

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