My Blog List

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

 Something to Ponder        

Joseph Stalin once said "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Monday, January 25, 2021


Angel (left) and Hope (right). Rescued from Asia, Angel from China, Hope from South Korea. 

Rescued by     "Goldens Without Borders"

Both dogs were about to become someone's dinner. (Won Ton Soup perhaps).

Adopted, Hope 5 years ago, Angle 5 weeks ago.

They are loving and adorable.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Christmas Tree Tax (Brilliant)

You read that right, we now have a Christmas Tree Tax. Seems there is a Live Christmas Tree Lobby who convinced our most illustrious government officials to create a Christmas Tree Tax. Seems there were too many of us buying (gasp, the horror of it all) fake Christmas trees which was interfering with the profits of the Live Christmas Tree merchants. So they lobbied our politicians (meaning they donated to those same politicians re-election coffers) to pass a tax on Live Christmas Trees and create a government agency with the proceeds, who would then promote the purchase of Live Christmas Trees over fake trees. There is a National Christmas Tree Association who had reported we Americans spend more than a BILLION dollars on Christmas Trees. So now we have a brand new government agency employing thousands of government workers who will get huge salaries and benefits the rest of us will never see to support Live Christmas Tree Growers over those dastardly FAKE Christmas tree purveyors (most of which are probably made in China) which we (the tax payer public) are forced to support without our input, knowledge or approvals. And we wonder why we are 20 Trillion in debt and why this government is totally out of control.  

Friday, June 20, 2014

Political Profiles and Pontifications

Wombat, A Marsupial from Australia, A Furry and Lovable little Critter. 
Ding Bat, Brainless Critter from Washington D.C. pretending to be relevant. 
Fruit Bat, a flying critter who just really likes to nibble on ripe fruit. Harmless.
A Fruit Fly, something smaller than a Fruit Bat who does spread disease. Harmful.
Senatorial Fruit who believes he is smarter than you and I. Extremely dangerous and 
lethal to your financial well being.. 
 Chia Planter, a totally hollow and empty clay container used for planting Chia Seeds.
Some uses of Chia Planters used to grow fake beards and hair on empty clay figurines.
Political Chia's, empty headed  bald men attempting to appear relevant by planting plugs
on their heads instead of implanting wisdom or even a little semblance of intelligence.   
 Hair Plugs implanted on Hair Brains. Am I pretty or what?
Oscar Meyer Wieners, ingredients which (if read) will turn your stomach.
Political Wiener, A true Twit who posted personal pictures on Twitter
 which will also turn your stomach. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

My recent steps to buying a New Car.

Decided to buy a new car, my old car was not doing so good!

The look on my face when I saw the dealer invoice!

My dealers salesperson assigned to sell me a new car!

Jumping for joy with my decision to buy after the dealers discount
(or was it just the sales person saying "Dance Sucker, Dance"?)
What I've been using for transportation these last few weeks while looking at new cars!
What the new car will look like when all the Grand Kids pile in!
What I'll probably be driving and living in after my ten year monster new car loan is paid off !
What I'll be doing for the next ten years to make a little extra money to make my car payments.
And last but not least, what I'll be eating for the next ten years in order to make my humongus car payments!
That's my story and I'm sticking with it!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

You can't make this stuff up!

For a while I had a blog with our local newspaper, at times I called the blog  "You can't make this stuff up". It was fun and consisted of the truly idiotic in the news.

Today I'm reading the newspaper and find it full of  the idiotic and weird. So here are some of today's "You can't make this stuff up" stories.

A pedestrian is critically hurt by a  drunk driver. The driver is arrested for drunk driving. What's so weird about this (you may ask)? The vehicle was actually a bicycle,  the driver of the bike was so drunk he couldn't avoid a pedestrian and the pedestrian apparently couldn't avoid the bicycle. The sad part is that the pedestrian was actually badly hurt.

A 16 year old boy wearing a Batman shirt and mask was arrested for breaking into a building at the Colorado State Fair. He turned himself in to police when he saw his "likeness"  on local TV. My idea of a headline would be "Robin ends up in Slammer"! You're wearing a "mask" you see a picture of the Masked Avenger on TV and you turn yourself in?? Holy Cow Droppings Batman, POW, BIFF, BAM, CRASH!

Our local University, "UNLV considers offering minor in drones" (that was the actual headline). How in the world would they actually get the "minor" in the drone?? And who would want the minor after he was stuffed into a drone??

A Swedish Company is now "hawking" spitless tobacco?

Heck, we've been "hawking" a brainless VP for years now!

Designers tailor clothes for "Indian Belly"? Indian Belly? How about "mufflers" for Biden mouth?

And last but not least, "Soccer fans behead a Referee"!  This actually happened in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Ref. called a foul, the player got angry and punched the Ref., the Ref. got angry and stabbed the player (killing him). The players fans and family stormed the field and stoned the Ref. to death and then quartered his body and decapitated him. And we thought the Raiders football fans were a bit violent at times.

As Bill O'Reilly says "We are always looking out for you"!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Political Lunacy

Nevada, recently approved giving Driving Privilege Licenses to ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Our REPUBLICAN Governor, who had the power to veto this idiocy, actually approved it.
So if you are ILLEGALLY IN THE USA you can now drive legally. Huh???

(Thus my Burro Chip award to the Governor of Nevada!)

Every year there are many more deaths by ILLEGAL ALIENS causing auto accidents (and many aren't truly accidental) then deaths caused by guns (legal or illegal, accidental or intentional)!

Using this logic, why not allow ILLEGALS to buy AK47's?? (Like Eric Holder has already done which not only killed hundreds (thousands??) of Mexicans but also an American Border Agent).
Along with their driver privileges, why not allow illegals and criminals to purchase AK47's,  Eric Holder did!!


Both vehicles and guns are, or can be used as "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (it's happening in Muslim countries on a daily basis)! Our Government Immigration Dept. has statistics on ILLEGALS and the accidents and deaths they cause. Those numbers are huge (but you'll never see them), driver licenses WILL NOT reduce this cause of accidents and deaths. It simply gives these ILLEGALS the hope that they will be given amnesty which will draw many more illegals to our country. When we confiscate all lethal guns lets also confiscate all lethal cars and trucks.

One (supposed) reason for this idiocy is that ILLEGALS may now decide to buy auto insurance. This reasoning is idiotic, they are ILLEGAL, they are working at very low wages, they are supporting other illegals (family members etc.) THEY DON'T HAVE THE EXCESS FUNDS TO BUY AUTO INSURANCE!!! If caught without auto insurance, they have nothing to lose, there are no penalties! They are here ILLEGALLY, and our Immigration Authorities are doing NOTHING about this. Obama released thousands of illegals from detention and eventual deportation, WHY? At most they )illegals) will be sent back to their own country only to sneak back into America two days later.

The main reason for this idiocy is, if amnesty does get approved, these politico's simply want the votes. They (the politico's) are willing to sell America down the river just to retain all the perks of political office. They don't give "two flips" about you or I, nor do they actually care about the ILLEGALS! They only care about votes which allow them the vast perks of political office.

We desperately need to take a stand, we desperately need to vote them ALL out of office (even the Republicans who have no idea what "Conservative" really means any longer) !!!!

Our Governor (Sandoval) who allowed this atrocity
our Republican Senator (Reid) who voted FOR the "amnesty bill"
have lost my vote now and in the future (never again)!

And another Burro Chip award to our very own Harry Reid!
We desperately need TERM LIMITS for ALL political offices!
If you agree with me, PRINT this Blog and send a copy to your Senator or Congressman.
We need to take a stand, we need to take our country BACK from those who don't believe in nor follow our Constitution!

Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm Confused

I'm confused!!!
I heard the word "Service" used with these agencies.
Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Postal Service
Telephone Service
Cable TV Service
Civil Service
State, City Public Service
Customer Service
And I thought
this isn't what the definition of SERVICE was.
I overheard a couple farmers talking,
and one of them said he had just hired a
"Bull" to "Service" a few cows.
BAM! It all came into focus.
Now I understand what all those agencies are doing!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Children of the World, Mosquito!!!

In our touring of the villages of Chiapas, near San Cristobal, the Capital of the Chiapas region, we came across a village that had a Bull Fighting Ring.
  OK, this series of photo's probably doesn't have children in it
(except for this young lad holding the sign up)
 however Mosquito was probably no more then 3 or 4 years old
so I included him in this series.
Olay! (isn't that a butter substitute??)

This is "Mosquito" (nuff said)!

These are the tourista's watching Mosquito!
(bunch of young adventure types and one old gray haired gringo)
This is the Matador (the bull fighter)!
And this is Mosquito the victorious!
Mosquito got a rousing "Thumbs Up" from the crowd, a sign of  approval and respect for the Bull
 and the required sign that allowed Mosquito to fight again another day
 (rather than become hamburger for the poor).
Most Bulls are killed by the Matador, butchered and given to the poor families of the villages.
In this case the Matador survived but probably spoke in much higher tones for a while!
Olay (must mean "ouch")!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Children of the World

The trip continues.
From Guatemala we drove into Southern Mexico. They were having a bit of a guerrilla uprising at the time. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, a revolutionary leftist group (Marxist type) was causing havoc. The group was (and still is) based in Chiapas, the southern most state of Mexico.

So where do we decide to go (you may ask) to Chiapas of course! On the way we were stopped several times by the Mexican military looking for any Zapatista's who may have hijacked our bus. Interesting experience having soldiers in ski masks (with very lethal looking guns) force you off a local bus and demand identification (passports, etc.) while they searched the bus and all your personal possessions looking for anything that may incriminate you as a Zapatista supporter, (we either passed muster thank heaven or my dirty boxers really turned them off. Plus, I hadn't purchased my Zapatista Guerrilla doll at this point in time.

This first picture is of the road (trail actually) to a small village in the center of the Chiapas district. The big white building is the church, a combination Catholic and Mayan (Voodoo-ish is my best description) a religious house of worship where parishioners may be sitting on the floor (no chairs inside the church) praying, eating lunch, drinking or just feeding the chickens or goats which were also in the church (true story, I attended a service) while the Padre prays and holds the service.

The Church is the center piece of the Villages in rural Central American countries. There's usually a large square where they set up a market place, congregate, eat, visit and gossip (or tell tall tales).
The people of the area are primarily of Mayan decent.

The Zapatista's aren't a particularly violent group against tourists so we were comparably safe. They are primarily against the government and the military. They are mostly farmers and the very poor, workers who want nothing more then some equality and government assistance, which they never actually get, thus their uprising. This has been going on since about 1994. (Actually it probably hasn't changed since the Spanish Conquistadors conquered this part of the world).

Back to "The Children", this little girl (above photo) and her small sister found this tourista (me) fascinating, as I walked around the square taking photos they followed (at a safe distance)  until I stopped and asked them (sign language of course, I speak very little Mayan) if I could take their picture. They readily agreed and posed for me but I couldn't get them to smile. After the picture taking I gave them a hand full of Peso's which I'm sure made their day and provided their family with a meal that evening.

This lady (pictured above) was also in the village square. She was selling hand crafted dolls of the Zapatista guerrillas. The two she is holding here, I bought from her. Thru a few words and some sign language she told me the doll was modeled after Zapatista Guerrilla's and that they were all around us but not to worry, they wouldn't harm us. She was delightful and when asked, she was more then happy to pose for this snap shot. The doll cost me a few Peso's (probably less then a dollar) but I also gave her a few more which thrilled her to no end. The locals, though supportive of the Guerrilla movement, were very friendly and courteous to us, we never felt threatened nor leery of anyone in the villages of Chiapas.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dim o gwbl-ing (the sign say's "You Better Not")

This is the art of  "Dim o gwbl". 
It's self explanatory, Don't "Dim o gwbl" at any time!
(Nuff Said)
I have No Idea what you have to do in order to "Dim o gwbl"
so I'll post some possibilities!
Is this gent "Dim o gwbl-ing" ???
Could Einstein have been "Dim o gwbl-ing" when he supposedly said this??
Could it be something much more sinister??
(One more "Dim o gwbl" and I fill you full of lead! Go ahead punk, make my day!!)

Is this Dude "Dim o gwbl-ing??
Or is his wife (behind him carrying up the rear?) "Dim o gwbl-ing"?
(bet his wife would like to "Dim o gwbl" him, right in the old "kisser")
Could it be political??
Are Obama and his seven bazillion Czar's "Dim o gwbl-ing"??
I'm sure VP Joe Biden has "Dim o gwbl-ed" many times!


My guess would be that this is "Dim o gwbl-ing" and if it isn't it sure should be!

Anyone for a "Moon Pie"? They go "Hand in Hand" while Dim o gwbl-ing!!!