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Monday, May 20, 2013

Dim o gwbl-ing (the sign say's "You Better Not")

This is the art of  "Dim o gwbl". 
It's self explanatory, Don't "Dim o gwbl" at any time!
(Nuff Said)
I have No Idea what you have to do in order to "Dim o gwbl"
so I'll post some possibilities!
Is this gent "Dim o gwbl-ing" ???
Could Einstein have been "Dim o gwbl-ing" when he supposedly said this??
Could it be something much more sinister??
(One more "Dim o gwbl" and I fill you full of lead! Go ahead punk, make my day!!)

Is this Dude "Dim o gwbl-ing??
Or is his wife (behind him carrying up the rear?) "Dim o gwbl-ing"?
(bet his wife would like to "Dim o gwbl" him, right in the old "kisser")
Could it be political??
Are Obama and his seven bazillion Czar's "Dim o gwbl-ing"??
I'm sure VP Joe Biden has "Dim o gwbl-ed" many times!


My guess would be that this is "Dim o gwbl-ing" and if it isn't it sure should be!

Anyone for a "Moon Pie"? They go "Hand in Hand" while Dim o gwbl-ing!!!


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