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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Children of the World

Kids in Boats (part four)

OK, last part of this (kids in boats) travel series.
This was nearing the end of our boating portion of the adventure.
We're still in Guatemala, on some river flowing thru a rain forest.
My camera was still dry, but some of my fellow tourista's kept saying
 "Bob, your all wet" (I have no idea what they meant)!
Here I divert from the Children and gravitate to a couple photo's I like of the birds of the rivers!
This Egret's (I think it's an Egret, Stork?? Big White Bird!) white plumage really stood out
against the dark green foliage of the surrounding jungle.

Piranha's aren't the only thing you need be wary of,
some of these rivers are loaded with cascading water falls
just around the bend.
A leisurely float down a river could end up an adventure
you may not have been prepared for!
Night (dusk) was coming on quickly, I noticed this tree
was loaded with birds, you can see their silhouettes on the branches.
(if you click on the pictures you'll get a larger view of the birds in this tree)
And last but not least,
"In every life some rain must fall"!
The temperature dropped to the 40's, the rain, a real monsoon, came down in buckets,
we were soaked to the skin, darkness was quickly setting upon us,
rivers do get treacherous in a good storm, we were miles from our starting point.
(So who wants to join my next adventure?? Can anyone say Royal Caribbean Cruise Line?)

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