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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Children of the World

On a trip to Guatemala, South America, I traveled to a fascinating village called Chichicastenago on the day the village had it's outdoor market in full swing.  If you've never seen a South American outdoor market with it's dazzling display of fruits, vegetables, colorful clothing, gorgeous hand woven blankets of dazzling colors, hand crafted native art, toys and massive crowds, it is truly something to behold. Chichicastenago's native market is by far one of the most colorful in all Central America.

I've always found children of the world to be the perfect subjects for photography. They will pose with joy and delight without a hint of apprehension or hesitation.

This little waif was just standing there all bundled up in her bright plaid blanket, not a care in the world, watching this odd looking Americano (me) taking pictures of everything and everyone totally in awe of the scene unfolding in front of him.

As soon as I saw her I knew I found the picture I was looking for. I snapped several frames before looking up at her, she gave me this great big smile and a little "under the blanket" wave, and turned to catch up with her mother and the rest of her family as they shopped for their weekly needs.

If you travel just to see the monuments of the world you are missing out on one of the greatest pleasures you can experience, the unfettered joy and delight of childhood in foreign lands.

May I suggest you "Google" Chichicastenago, Guatemala, Images or Outdoor Market, for a sampling of  pictures of one of the largest outdoor markets in South America.

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