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Friday, November 16, 2012

"The Fossil that will end the world"

Frances Fox Piven, (pictured above) 
Professor Francis Fox Piven" that is! 

Has said;

The problem that could 
potentially end the life of the planet is;

"Pollution and the use of Fossil Fuels"!

She puts the full blame on America! 
Yup, she blames us, (you, me, all of us who may actually 
"Love America")

She also derided both parties for making;
 "Claims That Make People Feel Good About America"
   Obama and Romney actually had the audacity to want us 
to feel good about our country? How dare they??

Here's a woman (at least I think she's a woman) 
who has been living off  public tax dollars all her life,
who has the freedom to spout off all sort of hatred and nonsense,
who, as a professor, has tenure and can't be fired for any reason,
who hates the country who has given her all these freedoms,
who also hates the idea of someone actually loving their country.

Folks, I humbly disagree with the Professor,

 It's much more likely, 
the "Fossil",
(pictured above),
  will be the end of life on our planet!

Francis Fossil Piven is a Marxist, Communist who 
(along with all the liberals and progressives,
 who swoon over her every word)
will bring America to its knees if given the chance.
"She" is the hatred that will destroy all that we hold dear!
She is also an adviser to someone who recently won re-election!

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

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