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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Destruction of a once Great Country !!!!

BoJangles wins, 
America goes the way of past Empires 
like Greece and Rome.

Black Tuesday (no pun intended) and 
America Burns While Barry Fiddles.

Headline in our newspaper today, 

"The Best Is Yet To Come" 

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of the disaster in Libya.

Like more Fast and Furious disasters and fiasco's.

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of our economy!

Like spending OPM on many more Solyandra's!

Like Gas prices skyrocketing well above todays levels.

Like borrowing many more Trillions from China thus allowing China to assume our place in the World.

Like allowing Iran to get nuclear power and shortly thereafter nuclear armament.

Like taking the Muslim Brotherhood in as a bed partner.

Like disavowing Israel as an ally.

Like the Taliban regaining absolute power in Afghanistan.

Like Iran gaining power in Iraq.

Like Al Queda becoming a much more powerful force.

Like the Muslim Brotherhood taking over many more Muslim countries.

Like Sharia law being put in effect all over the world including America.

Like more severe terrorist attacks on our country and other countries.

Like the USA falling into a deep depression.

Like the Dollar losing most of it's value.

Like Corporations abandoning America.

Like Unemployment skyrocketing.

Like welfare and food stamps skyrocketing.

Like seniors being refused life saving procedures due to their age and usefulness.

Like America becoming an "Entitlement" country similar to Greece and on the way to bankruptcy.

Like "Taxes"  which WILL go up for everyone except the multitude on welfare.

Like "amnesty" for all illegals so that the liberal progressive party keeps it's power base.


Thank you the uninformed, thank you the uneducated, thank you all you government dependent folk, thank you Unions, thank you Socialists of America, thank you Progressives, thank you to all of you who believe your loose morals and promiscuous desires should be paid for by the rest of us, thank you the lady that wanted freebies from the BoJangles stash, thank you all you black panthers intimidating others at polling places, thank you all you brain dead politicians, ie; harry reid, nancy pelosi, barney frank etc etc, thank you all you who knew better but didn't vote, and thank you barry hussein obama for all your lies and deceit and bs and thank you BoJangles, for your "middle finger salute" to the American people and the America I love.

Yes, "The Best Is Yet To Come"!

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