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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Black Tuesday" Nov. 6th, 2012

Black Tuesday,
the day "Entitlements" became more important 
then "Pride" and "Self Worth"!

"The New Face of America"

"The New Depressed Value of the American Dollar"

"America's newest allies and BoJangles bed partners"

"The Future of America (in a nut shell)"

"The Future of Marriage in America"

"More Stimulus Spending costing Trillions of additional debt"

"The Value of the Dollar"

"The NUTS and SCREWS in Government today"

"And more stimulus spending"

"The newest addition to Obama Motors"

"The Newest Standard for Medicare"

"Our Newest Navy Battleships"

"The feeling among American Patriots"

"The Newest Subsidized Housing for Seniors"

"The America we once knew and loved"

"America's Underground Society"

"The Future of America if (and only if) America Wakes Up"

"The Future of America if we Don't Wake Up"

"Black Tuesday, a truly sad day that will live in Infamy"

Pass this on to everyone on your E mail list if you wish, 
(or not) 
the future is in Your Hands!

As Ben Franklin said to a citizen asking him what kind of government he created,

"A Republic, if you can keep it"

We lost that Republic today, lost to a Socialist, Narcissist with Marxist leanings, only YOU can get that Republic back!


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