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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Children of the World

OK. just so you don't think I only take pictures of children (actually I take pictures of everything imaginable including creepy crawly things), here are a couple pictures of the local Guatemalan ladies.
This lady (above, red blouse) was cooking Tamales
(I believe she was washing dishes in a garbage can at this point).
 I also don't believe she wanted her picture taken at that particular moment.
But she did give me a little smile when I winked at her and thanked her!

These two pictures (above) are great examples of the character of this lady   
in her bright flowery blouse and the many wrinkles in her face.
She had no problem having her picture taken
 but wasn't about to smile.
These pictures were taken as I strolled the many back streets of Chichicastenango.
(I love that name).

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