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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Inflation" A True Story in Pictures !

Many years ago I traveled extensively in Africa. That's me (pictured above) on top of a sand dune in the Sahara Desert.

Our World wasn't in the turmoil it's in today, we were fairly safe but careful and watchful! I survived a six month trip from Morocco to Algeria, North Africa, crossing the the Sahara Desert and the Sahel, zig zagging and camping (pup tents all the way, eating roast Monkey brain and Wildebeast along with the occasional Grub or two) thru the majority of African countries (including a rain forest hunt for Dik Dik with a Pygmy Tribe and a trek well into Gorilla country) all the way down to Johannesburg, South Africa (with only one severe case of dysentery in Algeria, "Allah's Revenge"??)

Our means of traveling (pictured above) down the African Continent, including the Sahara Desert (in the north)and the Kalahari Desert (in the south) for well over six months!

Africa was delightful, people and prices were both friendly and reasonable. The scenery and game parks were outstanding! (I fell in Love with Africa, but I digress).

In the early 1980's Zimbabwe was a comparatively sane and normal African nation. While in Zimbabwe we were able to buy a loaf of bread with a couple of these $2.00 Dollar Zimbabwe Bills (pictured above). The bread was just out of the oven, hot and delicious. (With the exchange rate at that time, this was probably well under twenty cents).

In the 1980's  Robert Mugabe (pictured above) became Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and in 1987 he became Executive Head of State (aka President) of Zimbabwe. Mugabe ran on a socialist policy of  "Redistribution of Wealth". (Prior to the 1980's Zimbabwe was called Rhodesia and was primarily under British control). (The Brit's were probably classified as Conservatives and Mugabe was  considered a Liberal). Under Mugabe's policies of "Wealth Redistribution" he and his minions had the Zimbabwe printing presses running 24/7 printing and spending money like drunken sailors. (sound remotely familiar??)

Are you still with me??   OK, now on to present time, "Today", in Zimbabwe!

The currency note, (pictured above), Fifty Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars, is REAL money. (Honest to goodness real legal Zimbabwe tender).  This IS the Zimbabwe currency of today. This Fifty Trillion Dollars "may" buy that same loaf of bread we bought in the past for about Four Zimbabwe Dollars or Thirty Cents American! (You doubt me?? Google Zimbabwe Currency for the full story).

This is a young boy (pictured above), in Zimbabwe in present time, 2012, going to market to buy groceries for his family. He is carrying legal Zimbabwe currency.

Now (once again) to the present time. The man (pictured above) is the current President of America. He has personally stated that he believes in the "Redistribution of Wealth" and intends to do just that. Under the Federal Reserve Bank and it's current leader, Mr. Ben Bernacke, the two of them (Obama and Bernacke) have been printing U.S. currency 24/7 and spending like drunken sailors. This WILL lead to massive "Inflation" and a drastic devaluation of the American Dollar.

President Obama (pictured above, in suit) has us "On The Road To Zimbabwe" (sorry Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, your movies were very funny, this isn't)! Sixteen Trillion in Debt today and, if given another four years, Obama will most probably double that figure. Your children will be carrying a handful of American Dollars to buy a "loaf of bread" unless "we the people" can put an immediate stop to this insanity.

A TRUE story (in pictures) of runaway "Inflation". You can't make this stuff up!

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