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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

World War Three is only a Kiss Away (Part One)

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (both pictured above) embraced in August 2012 while President Obama and other American leaders slept (dreaming of Sugar Plum Fairies saving the economy and the world).
This is the first time in more then 30 years that the leaders of Egypt and Iran have embraced. Prior to the Muslim Brotherhood taking total control over Egypt both Iran and Egypt hated each other with a vengeance (they are now "Birds of a Feather" flocking together with World domination as their goal)!

Why should this concern us and our esteemed leaders? Let me provide a short history lesson. In the 1970's the U.S.A. convinced Israel to give the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt. Israel agreed but with one condition, that Egypt would agree to a peace treaty with Israel. Egypt agreed. In 1978 the Egypt-Israel peace treaty was ratified at Camp David and this treaty has been the foundation of peace between Egypt and Israel for the past 30 years. Our Egyptian ally, Hosni Mubarak, for these past many years has kept the peace between these two countries. That is until the most recent Arab Spring uprising where the present American leaders put their full support (in money and military equipment) behind the militants (consisting of the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations). We basically supported a known and avowed terrorist over our ally, Mubarak. In doing so we have, with full knowledge and intent, thrown Israel (and Mubarak) under the bus!

For one thing, the 1978 treaty prohibited Egypt from moving it's military into the Sinai Desert. Egypt's Morsi has recently said this treaty is now broken and he is moving military troops including tanks and other major military armament into the Sinai Desert, near the Israel borders with Egypt. Remember that this same Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist, Muhammed Morsi, in past speeches, has called for the total destruction of Israel and removal of all Zionists from Arab lands and has an intense hatred for and of America. All of a sudden, and out of the blue, Obama and Morsi, with Hillary Clinton's implicit involvement, have become "kissing cousins"!

Recently, in the Jerusalem Times, columnist Caroline Glick (who also happens to live in Israel) has written; "President Mohammed Morsi has completed Egypt's Transformation into an Islamist State".
Ms. Glick based her statement on Morsi's recent firing of many of the top military commanders  replacing them with Muslim Brotherhood loyalists, then doing the same with the editors of Egypt's state owned news media. The radical terrorist group, the "Muslim Brotherhood" is now in total control of Egypt. Morsi now has complete control over the writing of the new Egyptian Constitution.With this control he can do as he pleases, no one can stop him. We've replaced a dictator (Mubarak) who was our friend, with a dictator (Morsi) who is our avowed enemy, and our administration continues to shovel money (in billions of dollars) and military armament to Egypt.

Deja Vu, we've made the same mistakes in the past, in 1979 we pushed our ally, the Shah Pahlavi of Iran, out of power and the radical Ayatollah took control of Iran capturing our entire Embassy and holding them as captives for well over a year. We supported Saddam Hussein of Iraq with armament and money when he was at war with Iran, later, in our war with Iraq these same arms and ammunition were used against our own soldiers. Ditto when Russia had taken control of Afghanistan, we gave billions of dollars and much armament to the many militias fighting the Russians in Afghanistan only to have helped the rise of the Taliban and have all these weapons turn against our soldiers in our war with Afghanistan after 9/11. And now Egypt and Libya. This level of ignorance is beyond belief!

What does all this have to do with Egypt and Iran and World War Three?

(This is part one of a three part series, part two will bring it all together, you can comment by clicking on the comment section of this blog, you can subscribe by entering your E mail address where requested, I do post it on Facebook if you want to "befriend" me, these are my opinions, if you disagree you are welcome to do so in the comments section, thanks for reading the blog, Burrochips)

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