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Friday, September 28, 2012

In a show of total support and admiration, Barack salutes Benjamin

Our esteemed leader has an indepth and very meaningful discussion on the ongoing threat of the Iranian Nuclear Weapon problem with Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Netanyahu fully explained the problem in language Obama could understand (4th grade history lesson language) and Obama, being a man of few words (when discussing foreign policy which he has absolutely no concept or grasp of) listened very attentively (as this picture can attest to).

Both men left this meeting with a good grasp of the others position and support!

Shortly thereafter Obama met with the leaders of the Islamic nations where he totally threw his back out bow-ing to these despotic dictators in a show of complete subservience to their awesomeness.

Meanwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (in complete support of Obama's position on Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood) signed a U.N. mandate making it mandatory for everyone in the U.S.A. to bow to anyone who is wearing a towel around his skull (however she also signed a new international law making it illegal to call a "Towel Head" a "Towel Head" which is why I would NEVER call someone wearing a towel around his skull a "you know what")! In a show of solidarity with this mandate and the U.N. positions toward Islam and Terrorism, and complete subservience to all Muslims and other U.N. despotic leaders world wide, Hillary wore her Burka during the signing ceremony (which EVERYONE in attendance said was an improvement over her normal appearance). (She has a closet full of Burka's, Bill, aka Slick Willie, demands she wear them whenever they occupy the same bed (which is once a century or so). 

Meanwhile those good guys, the "Muslim Brotherhood", stoned to death six women for chewing gum in public, mutilated another eight pre-teen females (from 10 to 12 years of age) with circumcision, and married off three girls at the religiously approved marriageable age of eight years old, to their supreme leader who promised faithfully not to violate them until they were at least ten years old.

The Supreme Leader of Saudi Arabia, in a show of total and absolute disgust for the "Muslim Brotherhood" policies, lectured his harem of 76 concubines and slave girls along with his several dozen wives, about the despotic attitudes of those lowly "Brotherhood" misfits!

All True!! It would take someone with a really warped mind to make this stuff up!!
Or, perhaps, someone who had one too many Burro Chip's and is suffering from a "sugar high"!!

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