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Thursday, September 27, 2012

A well deserved Burro Chip for Barack Hussein Obama !!!

The World is in total turmoil. Iran is within months of getting nuclear weapon capability. All the Islam Nations are in turmoil or civil unrest (aka war) with the extremely radical group, "The Muslim Brotherhood" and other despots and terrorists taking over their governments.

On the Home Front our unemployment is still sky high with no sign of recovery in sight. Debt has increased by 6 Trillion Dollars in the short Obama term at the helm and exceeds 16 Trillion Dollars with no end in sight. Gas prices going thru the roof. We are near or in a major recession with a depression on the horizon unless drastic measures are implemented (something Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, collectively, have no clue how to resolve). Inflation is skyrocketing. The Federal Reserve is buying Real Estate loans with non-existent money (but heck, they have a printing press, so why worry). This will eventually destroy the value of the U.S. Dollar.

U.N. World leaders and rep's meet in New York where Iran's President Ahmadittytwit blasts and disparages Israel & America and calls for a "New World Order" (aka an Islamic Caliphate)  and Egypt's President demands laws that would completely destroy our "freedom of speech" while Obama makes excuses and panders to the Muslim leaders and totally refuses to meet with our main ally in that region, Israel's Prime Minister.

So, instead of meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, our esteemed leader, Barack Hussein Obama decides to go on "The View" where he makes the idiotic statement that he is just considered "Eye Candy" while fluttering his eye lashes and giving the adoring liberal female audience that huge smile he is so famous for displaying when he is totally at a loss on what to say that may be considered even slightly intelligent.

"Eye Candy"?? This total embarrassment of a supposed leader thinks he is "Eye Candy"?? He's sitting on "The View" puffing his pampers while the world burns (Nero played his fiddle, Obama fluttered his eye lashes) and tells the audience he is "Eye Candy"??

I think Harry Potter had the right mix of candy that Obama looks, acts and smells like, how about "Ice Mice" or "Jelly Slugs", or how about "Acid Pops" or "Peppermint Toads"? With his ears he  looks more like Disney's "Dumbo" then "Eye Candy".


If you still decide to vote for Obama in this election you will deserve what you get, unfortunately if Obama does win you will also have brought us all down to your level and a new level of total destruction of our great nation. You will be complicit in the creation of a New World Order or (as the "Muslim Brotherhood" wants), an "Islamic Caliphate".

Pass this on, send it as an attachment to all your E mail friends, please, and VOTE!

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