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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Burro Chip for Hillary

This Burro Chip (with a smell factor of 5 *)  goes to our very own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the recent atrocity of Muslim Thugs burning our Embassy and the Murdering Criminal Muslim Terrorists who killed our Libyan Ambassador and three other innocent Embassy employees, Ms. Hillary, (wife of our very own, Slick Willie) blames some obscure film about Mohammad and Islam (which, in any event, 99% of the viewing public never saw , including 99.9% of all Muslims and our entire political body of hypocrites).

A film posted on You Tube many many months ago. A film, I truly doubt, one percent of those THUGS ever actually saw (or understood if they did see it since it was in English and not in Farsi). The greater majority of these terrorist thugs are illiterate, possess no computers, have no means to actually view a You Tube film and if they do have the means (a computer) they are much too busy viewing porn and the degradation of women to break away and watch a film they wouldn't understand anyway.

Let's see if I have this straight, the Arab Spring Muslims decide and attempt to overthrow a Despot Dictator (Qadaffi) but are being killed in huge numbers by the Dictators superior AirForce. So America jumps into the fray and declares a "no fly zone" saving the lives of countless thousands of Arab Springers (not to be confused with Jerry Springer who at times may appear to be just as vile but when a country embraces "Freedom of Speech" this is accepted as one of our God given freedoms). We then help these very same Arab Spring folk with huge amounts of (taxpayer) money (millions of dollars) and arms and ammunition to fight Qadaffi. We help them get over tremendous odds in defeating Qadaffi. Our President praises them and their movement to the high heavens (where 72 Virgins await those Arabs males who were killed and the 72 Virgins that were killed are forced to service the Thug who was responsible for their deaths).

And to show us their gratitude they kill our Ambassador plus three other Americans and burn down our Embassy. Then our very own Secretary of State actually apologizes to them because some American actually thought "Freedon of Speech" was our (his) Constitutional right! The President (the same U.S. President who bowed to a Saudi prince while denegrating the Queen of England and the Prime Minister of Israel and telling the World that America isn't "exceptional" but, in fact, no better then Greece or some other third world bankrupt country) and our Secretary of State (the spouse of Slick Willie, the same guy who was paid millions by Saudi Royalty to air brush Saudi Arabia's image in the USA, the very same Saudi folk who build Maddrass (Islam) schools all over the World teaching hatred for and of the USA, go figure!) praise the Muslim Brotherhood for their attempts to bring democracy to the Arab lands. These same Muslim Brotherhood THUGS who denounce America, Democracy (they demand a world wide Theocracy) and our way of life and hate America with a vengence declaring Jehad against us and Israel! The same Brotherhood THUGS who stone women to death for crimes that we wouldn't even consider misdemeanors in the USA. Who mutilate womens bodies as soon as they reach the age of marriage (10 years old). Who not only believe in, but practice killing Christians solely because they are Christian and aren't followers of Islam (that peaceful religion our President keeps trying to shove down our throats while refusing our school children the right to sing Christmas songs).

These same US politicians who are so aghast at the You Tube Video (that they've never actually seen), the very same brilliant politicians who said "We Gotta Pass This Legislation So We Can See What's In It" and who had absolutely no problem with calling Christian Statues (such as the Cross and the Virgin Mary) soaking in a jar of Urine as WORK'S OF ART supporting it with millions of tax payer dollars!You can soak a Cross in Urine but you better never even touch a Koran if you aren't a Muslim.
These very same Muslim Terrorists and Thugs can behead our citizens while video tapeing it and showing it on world wide TV, they can strap a bomb to the body of a pre-teen and force him to blow himself (or herself, they don't discriminate) up killing hundreds of innocent Muslims, Christians, Jews (they don't give a flip who they kill). Then they bring our entire political body to it's knees begging them for forgiveness for a You Tube Video that presents much of Islam in it's proper light.

How in the world did we ever lose our greatness? (What ever happened to the good old days of
"You Can Do Anything But Don't Step On My Blue Swede Shoes" and twenty five cent gallons of gas or one cent candy or ten cent movie tickets, Fins and Skirts on cars and politicians who were war hero's ??? What happened to "Don't Ask What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Country") thank you JFK.

 How in the world can we ever regain this greatness? We desperately need to vote these "fruit cakes" (won't mention any last names but Harry and Nancy, Joe and Hillary, we know who you are) out of office and vote for some young Patriots in their place.

***(Our Burro Chip smell ratings, One to Five with one being "ToeFoo", two being "Pepe LePew", three being "Diaper PeeYew", four being "Pull my Finger Yew", and five being  "Buffalo Poo" !)

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