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Friday, November 16, 2012

"The Fossil that will end the world"

Frances Fox Piven, (pictured above) 
Professor Francis Fox Piven" that is! 

Has said;

The problem that could 
potentially end the life of the planet is;

"Pollution and the use of Fossil Fuels"!

She puts the full blame on America! 
Yup, she blames us, (you, me, all of us who may actually 
"Love America")

She also derided both parties for making;
 "Claims That Make People Feel Good About America"
   Obama and Romney actually had the audacity to want us 
to feel good about our country? How dare they??

Here's a woman (at least I think she's a woman) 
who has been living off  public tax dollars all her life,
who has the freedom to spout off all sort of hatred and nonsense,
who, as a professor, has tenure and can't be fired for any reason,
who hates the country who has given her all these freedoms,
who also hates the idea of someone actually loving their country.

Folks, I humbly disagree with the Professor,

 It's much more likely, 
the "Fossil",
(pictured above),
  will be the end of life on our planet!

Francis Fossil Piven is a Marxist, Communist who 
(along with all the liberals and progressives,
 who swoon over her every word)
will bring America to its knees if given the chance.
"She" is the hatred that will destroy all that we hold dear!
She is also an adviser to someone who recently won re-election!

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Black Tuesday" Nov. 6th, 2012

Black Tuesday,
the day "Entitlements" became more important 
then "Pride" and "Self Worth"!

"The New Face of America"

"The New Depressed Value of the American Dollar"

"America's newest allies and BoJangles bed partners"

"The Future of America (in a nut shell)"

"The Future of Marriage in America"

"More Stimulus Spending costing Trillions of additional debt"

"The Value of the Dollar"

"The NUTS and SCREWS in Government today"

"And more stimulus spending"

"The newest addition to Obama Motors"

"The Newest Standard for Medicare"

"Our Newest Navy Battleships"

"The feeling among American Patriots"

"The Newest Subsidized Housing for Seniors"

"The America we once knew and loved"

"America's Underground Society"

"The Future of America if (and only if) America Wakes Up"

"The Future of America if we Don't Wake Up"

"Black Tuesday, a truly sad day that will live in Infamy"

Pass this on to everyone on your E mail list if you wish, 
(or not) 
the future is in Your Hands!

As Ben Franklin said to a citizen asking him what kind of government he created,

"A Republic, if you can keep it"

We lost that Republic today, lost to a Socialist, Narcissist with Marxist leanings, only YOU can get that Republic back!


The Destruction of a once Great Country !!!!

BoJangles wins, 
America goes the way of past Empires 
like Greece and Rome.

Black Tuesday (no pun intended) and 
America Burns While Barry Fiddles.

Headline in our newspaper today, 

"The Best Is Yet To Come" 

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of the disaster in Libya.

Like more Fast and Furious disasters and fiasco's.

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of our economy!

Like spending OPM on many more Solyandra's!

Like Gas prices skyrocketing well above todays levels.

Like borrowing many more Trillions from China thus allowing China to assume our place in the World.

Like allowing Iran to get nuclear power and shortly thereafter nuclear armament.

Like taking the Muslim Brotherhood in as a bed partner.

Like disavowing Israel as an ally.

Like the Taliban regaining absolute power in Afghanistan.

Like Iran gaining power in Iraq.

Like Al Queda becoming a much more powerful force.

Like the Muslim Brotherhood taking over many more Muslim countries.

Like Sharia law being put in effect all over the world including America.

Like more severe terrorist attacks on our country and other countries.

Like the USA falling into a deep depression.

Like the Dollar losing most of it's value.

Like Corporations abandoning America.

Like Unemployment skyrocketing.

Like welfare and food stamps skyrocketing.

Like seniors being refused life saving procedures due to their age and usefulness.

Like America becoming an "Entitlement" country similar to Greece and on the way to bankruptcy.

Like "Taxes"  which WILL go up for everyone except the multitude on welfare.

Like "amnesty" for all illegals so that the liberal progressive party keeps it's power base.


Thank you the uninformed, thank you the uneducated, thank you all you government dependent folk, thank you Unions, thank you Socialists of America, thank you Progressives, thank you to all of you who believe your loose morals and promiscuous desires should be paid for by the rest of us, thank you the lady that wanted freebies from the BoJangles stash, thank you all you black panthers intimidating others at polling places, thank you all you brain dead politicians, ie; harry reid, nancy pelosi, barney frank etc etc, thank you all you who knew better but didn't vote, and thank you barry hussein obama for all your lies and deceit and bs and thank you BoJangles, for your "middle finger salute" to the American people and the America I love.

Yes, "The Best Is Yet To Come"!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How we pick a President!

In America you can win at Monopoly (or become President)  even if you don't have the common sense to use a handkerchief to blow your nose in instead of a shirt sleeve.

In America you can get to be President no matter how little you've ever accomplished or how totally incompetent and inept you actually are. As long as your "Perception" of yourself is much greater then the sum of your accomplishments! And, as long as you can convince
(aka dupe) the American public of this!

Don't believe me??

Happened in 2008, could happen again in 2012 !

In a private corporation, to get ahead, you must work your way up the ladder of success. You start at the bottom of the corporate ladder and, if you do a good and competent job you get a promotion. As you progress and continue to do a good and competent job you continue to get promoted until you reach the top of the corporate pyramid and become the CEO! However you still need to report to a board of directors and stock holders so you can't simply slide at this point  (true for most corporations).

In Government however all you need to do is to cover your..........................
(back side, front side, what ever side is most vulnerable) and lie thru your teeth
(the bigger the smile the bigger the lies).
(This picture, on left, seems to tell it all).

You can go from total obscurity (such as a community organizer, for instance) to top dog,
 (aka President of the most powerful country in the world)
 in one leap without so much as having ever shown an ounce of true leadership nor true competency and having absolutely no ability to actually  handle the job.

All you need is a Cheshire Cat Smile
and a
Bojangles Song and Dance!

You can even get away with the "middle finger salute"  if you pander enough to the gullible public
and give them enough handouts and freebies.

You can spend OPM (other peoples money) with absolutely no regard for the future of the young'uns who will have to eventually pay for your incompetence, mismanagement and total disregard for anyone but yourself and the power you crave.

It will take

"We The People" 

to send you packing to those other
 places where all you need do is to demand your right to total government support without so much as a modicum of effort on your part.

"We The People"

 will even allow you  your Constitutional rights to "oogle" whatever you like just so you don't actually "touch" our Constitution ever again.

That's what a truly free country is all about!!

"You Betcha"


"We The People"

need to vote on Tuesday,
we need to kick out the totally incompetent (you know who)
and Vote In a return to sanity in government (you also know who this is)!


"God" Bless America !!!