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Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Memo to Islam & all Muslims"

It isn't the Jews, it isn't Israel, it's your leaders!! They are using the Jewish people as "scape-goats" for their greed and incompetence. Wake up Islam. We in America don't hate you, we want you to be free (just as we are). We want you to have the freedom to practice your religion as you want to. 
We don't want to colonize your country, we never wanted to stay in your lands, we want to leave as quickly as possible. But we want to hand you a free country, free from oppression and from despot leaders. Free to create a prosperous country for it's people (YOU).

Take a look at your leaders, they are all wealthy beyond belief while you are kept without jobs, poor and destitute and they blame the Jews. But how in the world did they become Billionaires? Saddam had Billions in banks in many free capitalist countries while he raped your treasury, built castles to his memory, and left you with "nothing" and he blamed the Jews. Imagine if he took the wealth of your nation and used it to build a better infrastructure for YOU. If he invested in his country for your future.  Israel has a piece of desert like you do but without the oil wealth. They invested in their own country and are now very prosperous as are all the Muslims who live in Israel under Israels  freedoms and protections. Muslims in Israel have more freedoms then Muslims have in any other dictator run country.

Take Mubarak, again he and his family are Billionaires, taken from your treasuries. While you scramble to find employment, any kind of mundane employment to feed and cloth your families. WHY?

How about Qaddafi,  he and his family are Billionaires while you live in poverty and despair. WHY?

Israel didn't cause this, your leaders did. The same dictators who amass fortunes on your backs while keeping you repressed and under their thumbs. Israel didn't gas Muslims, Saddam gassed his very own  people, the citizens of Iraq, when they didn't agree with him or opposed him. Saddam's sons would slaughter anyone who even looked angry at them or their dad.

Imagine if they (your leaders)  used these funds for the good of your nation and your people. You could have factories, you could be building things for the betterment of your nation, you could have industry, infrastructure and comforts you, today, can't imagine of ever having. Put your plights directly on the shoulders of those responsible, your leaders, not the Jews. They (your dictator leaders) keep their power by using Israel as a scape-goat to keep you angry at someone other then themselves.  Hitler was an expert in this, so are the Imams who rule Iran. Ditto Syria and Jordan and even Iraq and all the northern Muslim African countries. Dictators who use their power to enrich themselves and keep you subservient. Too afraid to stand up to them (a fear which they thrive on).

You have an unbelievable opportunity today, under the Arab Spring uprising in Egypt and Tunisia and Syria and Libya etc. With your oil wealth, if it filtered down to you, the people, rather then to the bank accounts of your corrupt dictator leadership, you could be an extremely prosperous nation and every one of you could share in this wealth and become prosperous. If this doesn't happen now that you have been given the opportunity, you can't blame Israel nor the United States, you have only yourselves to blame.

Sharia law won't get you any freedoms, it will only get the Imam's  rich while you continue to suffer under their control, they are dictators just as bad as Saddam was and Mubarak was. Wake Up. Don't fall for the "same old same old" blaming Israel, they (those who rule under those same Sharia laws) will continue to enrich themselves thru fear and intimidation. Take a good look at Iran, unemployment thru the roof,the youth becoming radicalized due to the lack of employment, no freedoms but those the leaders allow you to have which always enriches those with the power in these dictatorships. The Israels aren't raping you of your wealth, your dictators and your corrupt leaders are.

Wake up before it's too late and the Muslim Brotherhood and Dictators and Sharia Law Leaders lead you to a level of poverty much lower then you already are suffering from.

Wake Up Muslims, Wake Up and Smell Your Freedom's !

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