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Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Our esteemed Political Leaders, a definite resemblance to Bernie Maddoff", like kissing cousins.

Social Security "IS" a Ponzi scheme! I've blogged this in the past but felt it was/is necessary to repeat myself (once again, sigh). You contributed to Social Security, so did your employer. Your money before taxes. Uncle Sam promised if you'd do this, he, in all his wisdom, would give you that money back at retirement age (now only an imbecile would ever question Uncle Sam). He meant well, he meant what he said, unfortunately he failed to take into account the "greed" the "corruption" the "self serving" the down right lies from our politicians (yup, both parties). A Ponzi scheme is where you have investors, (like social security), you promise them a return on their investment and their trust in you (like S.S. and Uncle Sam). Then they (politicians ) spend the money on frivolous things like never used airports in their jurisdiction with their name splashed all over that airport so they can pat themselves on the back and get re-elected. Ditto Bernie's Ponzi scheme, he used investors money to live lavishly. Both used future investors money to pay back those dividends (S.S. payments) to their first investors. They didn't invest the money, they squandered it. And they put IOU's in place of the money they squandered.

(A spade is a Spade no matter how you may twist it or what angle (or spin) you put on it.)

Now take Warren Buffet, in a fairly short period of time Warren Buffet invested his money in the stock market, he expanded by taking in investors, he invested in FOR PROFIT Corporations etc. His strategy was basic, "Buy and Hold" good solid companies. He is now the second richest man in the nation and his investors have become wealthy because of his "investing strategy". Had you invested your S.S. dollars with Warren you, too, would be wealthy today and would not need government handouts to live comfortably in your senior years.

Had the government invested the S.S. money in for profit industry Social Security would be flush with money today instead on bankrupt. It would have a surplus large enough to cover all the less fortunate who couldn't contribute (to no fault of their own). It wouldn't be asking our youth to pay more and wait longer in order to cover their elders.

Do the math sometime, ask S.S. exactly what you (and your employer) contributed over the years. Then multiply by a modest rate of return (investments have cycles but since investments began, over time they go UP), then factor in the rule of compounding. You will be amazed at what you'd have today.

We provide Trillions in Foreign Aid to nations with massive graft.
The poor of these countries aren't better off, the corrupt leaders of these countries are becoming rich instead. On your money! We could make S.S. solvent tomorrow by cutting off this aid to despots (remember we gave billions to Egypt and Libya and their leaders & families are now billionaires and their citizens (for the most part) are still living in the stone age). WHY?? Take this ill spent money and put it in a S.S. lock box (thanks for the suggestion Al Gore, not that I ever believed you'd actually do this). Invest that money (not in government bonds, they are just IOU's with little intrinsic value) We bailed out GM as an investment, why couldn't we invest in GOOD companies like Apple? Berkshire Hathaway? Microsoft? With the size of our investments we'd be sure to get favorable rates and terms. These companies would have money to expand and hire more employees, our economy would prosper, and our seniors would be protected.

If we need an unused airport (or to subsidize these unused airports with tax payer dollars), a bridge to nowhere, if we need to subsidize small town Cowboy poetry recitals, let the community benefiting by these endeavors decide the value and let them pay for it. Don't subsidize it with tax payer dollars so pompous ass politicians (Harry, Nancy you know who I'm talking about here) can boast of how great they smell.

There are solutions, what we desperately need is "leaders". Remember, "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" lets DUMP all those career politicians who have become totally and irrevocably corrupt and vote in some new blood. Then lets establish term limits so we never again suffer these corrupt, inept career  buffoons. Lets make America the great country it has always been, like the Statue of Liberty pictured on the top of this post, "we rock" a "bright shining star for all to see and emulate" !

 Phew, (is he done yet??) (Bob, take a deep breath, hit "publish" and get off the damn soap box already, thank you).

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