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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Why our educational system is falling behind other nations, finally a definitive answer (and other fun facts).

Finally a definitive answer: Why American children's education is falling behind those of other nations. Andulus Radio, Mogadishu, Somalia, in a Quaran (aka Koran) recital contest, children of this nation were awarded, First Place a Rifle and $700.00, Second Place a Rifle and $500.00 Third Place Two Bombs. They also got a copy of the Koran (aka Quaran). (And probably a Bible to use for target practice). All we ever give our kids are Kudo's (no, not the animals with big horns, the stuff that ruins their teeth).

Talking about the Bible: According to Genesis 1:20 - 22, "The Chicken came Before the Egg"! Now you have the definitive answer to that age old question!

A recent discovery for all parents, most children have "Lachanophobia", (a fear of vegetables). A good Brussel Sprout upside the head usually cures this affliction.

Shakespeare spelled his name several different ways. Not to be out done, I've been spelling my name backwards for a long time, unfortunately no one seems to notice. (bob).

The phrase "Rule of Thumb" is derived from an old English law stating that you cannot beat your wife with anything wider then your thumb.  When brought up on charges for disobeying this law, most English men, as their defense,  said they were "Gynaephobic".  (A fear of women). A good Brussel Sprout upside the head usually cured this phobia!

And last but not least, "Phobatrivaphobia" (a fear of trivia about phobias).

Now you have "The Rest of the Story" !

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