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Friday, September 28, 2012

In a show of total support and admiration, Barack salutes Benjamin

Our esteemed leader has an indepth and very meaningful discussion on the ongoing threat of the Iranian Nuclear Weapon problem with Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Netanyahu fully explained the problem in language Obama could understand (4th grade history lesson language) and Obama, being a man of few words (when discussing foreign policy which he has absolutely no concept or grasp of) listened very attentively (as this picture can attest to).

Both men left this meeting with a good grasp of the others position and support!

Shortly thereafter Obama met with the leaders of the Islamic nations where he totally threw his back out bow-ing to these despotic dictators in a show of complete subservience to their awesomeness.

Meanwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (in complete support of Obama's position on Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood) signed a U.N. mandate making it mandatory for everyone in the U.S.A. to bow to anyone who is wearing a towel around his skull (however she also signed a new international law making it illegal to call a "Towel Head" a "Towel Head" which is why I would NEVER call someone wearing a towel around his skull a "you know what")! In a show of solidarity with this mandate and the U.N. positions toward Islam and Terrorism, and complete subservience to all Muslims and other U.N. despotic leaders world wide, Hillary wore her Burka during the signing ceremony (which EVERYONE in attendance said was an improvement over her normal appearance). (She has a closet full of Burka's, Bill, aka Slick Willie, demands she wear them whenever they occupy the same bed (which is once a century or so). 

Meanwhile those good guys, the "Muslim Brotherhood", stoned to death six women for chewing gum in public, mutilated another eight pre-teen females (from 10 to 12 years of age) with circumcision, and married off three girls at the religiously approved marriageable age of eight years old, to their supreme leader who promised faithfully not to violate them until they were at least ten years old.

The Supreme Leader of Saudi Arabia, in a show of total and absolute disgust for the "Muslim Brotherhood" policies, lectured his harem of 76 concubines and slave girls along with his several dozen wives, about the despotic attitudes of those lowly "Brotherhood" misfits!

All True!! It would take someone with a really warped mind to make this stuff up!!
Or, perhaps, someone who had one too many Burro Chip's and is suffering from a "sugar high"!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A well deserved Burro Chip for Barack Hussein Obama !!!

The World is in total turmoil. Iran is within months of getting nuclear weapon capability. All the Islam Nations are in turmoil or civil unrest (aka war) with the extremely radical group, "The Muslim Brotherhood" and other despots and terrorists taking over their governments.

On the Home Front our unemployment is still sky high with no sign of recovery in sight. Debt has increased by 6 Trillion Dollars in the short Obama term at the helm and exceeds 16 Trillion Dollars with no end in sight. Gas prices going thru the roof. We are near or in a major recession with a depression on the horizon unless drastic measures are implemented (something Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, collectively, have no clue how to resolve). Inflation is skyrocketing. The Federal Reserve is buying Real Estate loans with non-existent money (but heck, they have a printing press, so why worry). This will eventually destroy the value of the U.S. Dollar.

U.N. World leaders and rep's meet in New York where Iran's President Ahmadittytwit blasts and disparages Israel & America and calls for a "New World Order" (aka an Islamic Caliphate)  and Egypt's President demands laws that would completely destroy our "freedom of speech" while Obama makes excuses and panders to the Muslim leaders and totally refuses to meet with our main ally in that region, Israel's Prime Minister.

So, instead of meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, our esteemed leader, Barack Hussein Obama decides to go on "The View" where he makes the idiotic statement that he is just considered "Eye Candy" while fluttering his eye lashes and giving the adoring liberal female audience that huge smile he is so famous for displaying when he is totally at a loss on what to say that may be considered even slightly intelligent.

"Eye Candy"?? This total embarrassment of a supposed leader thinks he is "Eye Candy"?? He's sitting on "The View" puffing his pampers while the world burns (Nero played his fiddle, Obama fluttered his eye lashes) and tells the audience he is "Eye Candy"??

I think Harry Potter had the right mix of candy that Obama looks, acts and smells like, how about "Ice Mice" or "Jelly Slugs", or how about "Acid Pops" or "Peppermint Toads"? With his ears he  looks more like Disney's "Dumbo" then "Eye Candy".


If you still decide to vote for Obama in this election you will deserve what you get, unfortunately if Obama does win you will also have brought us all down to your level and a new level of total destruction of our great nation. You will be complicit in the creation of a New World Order or (as the "Muslim Brotherhood" wants), an "Islamic Caliphate".

Pass this on, send it as an attachment to all your E mail friends, please, and VOTE!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Burro Chip for Hillary

This Burro Chip (with a smell factor of 5 *)  goes to our very own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the recent atrocity of Muslim Thugs burning our Embassy and the Murdering Criminal Muslim Terrorists who killed our Libyan Ambassador and three other innocent Embassy employees, Ms. Hillary, (wife of our very own, Slick Willie) blames some obscure film about Mohammad and Islam (which, in any event, 99% of the viewing public never saw , including 99.9% of all Muslims and our entire political body of hypocrites).

A film posted on You Tube many many months ago. A film, I truly doubt, one percent of those THUGS ever actually saw (or understood if they did see it since it was in English and not in Farsi). The greater majority of these terrorist thugs are illiterate, possess no computers, have no means to actually view a You Tube film and if they do have the means (a computer) they are much too busy viewing porn and the degradation of women to break away and watch a film they wouldn't understand anyway.

Let's see if I have this straight, the Arab Spring Muslims decide and attempt to overthrow a Despot Dictator (Qadaffi) but are being killed in huge numbers by the Dictators superior AirForce. So America jumps into the fray and declares a "no fly zone" saving the lives of countless thousands of Arab Springers (not to be confused with Jerry Springer who at times may appear to be just as vile but when a country embraces "Freedom of Speech" this is accepted as one of our God given freedoms). We then help these very same Arab Spring folk with huge amounts of (taxpayer) money (millions of dollars) and arms and ammunition to fight Qadaffi. We help them get over tremendous odds in defeating Qadaffi. Our President praises them and their movement to the high heavens (where 72 Virgins await those Arabs males who were killed and the 72 Virgins that were killed are forced to service the Thug who was responsible for their deaths).

And to show us their gratitude they kill our Ambassador plus three other Americans and burn down our Embassy. Then our very own Secretary of State actually apologizes to them because some American actually thought "Freedon of Speech" was our (his) Constitutional right! The President (the same U.S. President who bowed to a Saudi prince while denegrating the Queen of England and the Prime Minister of Israel and telling the World that America isn't "exceptional" but, in fact, no better then Greece or some other third world bankrupt country) and our Secretary of State (the spouse of Slick Willie, the same guy who was paid millions by Saudi Royalty to air brush Saudi Arabia's image in the USA, the very same Saudi folk who build Maddrass (Islam) schools all over the World teaching hatred for and of the USA, go figure!) praise the Muslim Brotherhood for their attempts to bring democracy to the Arab lands. These same Muslim Brotherhood THUGS who denounce America, Democracy (they demand a world wide Theocracy) and our way of life and hate America with a vengence declaring Jehad against us and Israel! The same Brotherhood THUGS who stone women to death for crimes that we wouldn't even consider misdemeanors in the USA. Who mutilate womens bodies as soon as they reach the age of marriage (10 years old). Who not only believe in, but practice killing Christians solely because they are Christian and aren't followers of Islam (that peaceful religion our President keeps trying to shove down our throats while refusing our school children the right to sing Christmas songs).

These same US politicians who are so aghast at the You Tube Video (that they've never actually seen), the very same brilliant politicians who said "We Gotta Pass This Legislation So We Can See What's In It" and who had absolutely no problem with calling Christian Statues (such as the Cross and the Virgin Mary) soaking in a jar of Urine as WORK'S OF ART supporting it with millions of tax payer dollars!You can soak a Cross in Urine but you better never even touch a Koran if you aren't a Muslim.
These very same Muslim Terrorists and Thugs can behead our citizens while video tapeing it and showing it on world wide TV, they can strap a bomb to the body of a pre-teen and force him to blow himself (or herself, they don't discriminate) up killing hundreds of innocent Muslims, Christians, Jews (they don't give a flip who they kill). Then they bring our entire political body to it's knees begging them for forgiveness for a You Tube Video that presents much of Islam in it's proper light.

How in the world did we ever lose our greatness? (What ever happened to the good old days of
"You Can Do Anything But Don't Step On My Blue Swede Shoes" and twenty five cent gallons of gas or one cent candy or ten cent movie tickets, Fins and Skirts on cars and politicians who were war hero's ??? What happened to "Don't Ask What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Country") thank you JFK.

 How in the world can we ever regain this greatness? We desperately need to vote these "fruit cakes" (won't mention any last names but Harry and Nancy, Joe and Hillary, we know who you are) out of office and vote for some young Patriots in their place.

***(Our Burro Chip smell ratings, One to Five with one being "ToeFoo", two being "Pepe LePew", three being "Diaper PeeYew", four being "Pull my Finger Yew", and five being  "Buffalo Poo" !)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Religious Ponderings and other Pontifications!

Why is "GOD" always a "man"?

"God" created "Man" in HIS image!
"God" created Adam (the first "man") from what?? Thin air??
(OK,  HE'S  "GOD", so HE can do anything!)
If HE created the universe out of thin air why not Adam also out of thin air (or Lego's)?  
But then, why did HE need a RIB (Adams) to create woman? (Could all this be why men are so full of "hot air" and get "ribbed" so unmercifully over their beer belly's?)

Then HE took one of Adams ribs and created woman (Eve)! But if this were true, HE would have had a clone of Adam using Adam's DNA (which said rib would consist of), and not a somewhat different species (woman). OK, once again,  HE'S "God", HE can do whatever HE wants with whatever HE wants to use to do it with!

Why did HE create Adam in HIS image (body parts and all I assume) and not realize Adam would have no use for some of his body parts,  being alone and all?
Adam got lonely so "God" gave him a companion (Eve). Who's image was Eve created in??
If Adam was in "God's" image wouldn't "God" have wanted to use some of HIS parts for procreation? Thus could there have been a "Mrs. God"? Who's image Eve was created in!!

Am I being blasphemous yet?? Let me ad a little disclaimer. I'm definitely NOT an atheist. I believe there is a "supreme being". The universe is simply much to humongous and too vast and complex to believe it happened with a "Big Bang". (Who lit the match??) If the Universe was created out of something the size of a pin head (as scientist's seem to believe) who created that something that was used, which was the size of said pin head? Scientists believe the universe is expanding, into what?? If space is finite it couldn't expand and if it was infinite it wouldn't need to expand. So there must be something "supreme", a vast intelligence beyond our imaginations, to be behind all this (wouldn't you think? I do !!)! Maybe I'm an Agnostic? But I don't think so, I was raised a Catholic and still consider myself a Catholic thus I'm a Christian (at least I think so). But being a Christian doesn't preclude me from thinking, pondering and pontificating (does it??). When someone stops pondering & pontificating it clogs up the mental systems like a bad case of constipation of the brain. (OK, lets keep jokes about Joe Biden to ourselves)!

If Adam and Eve had two sons (Cain and Able) how did two boys populate the world?
(There were no women at that time since Adam was "first man" and Eve "first woman")!
If by some chance Adam and Eve also had daughters (there is no mention of this in the Bible though), would that not have been considered "incest"! Cain and Able would only have had their sisters to help populate the world with, (having children with their  brothers is something I believe all women would find repulsive and repugnant)?
And why only two sons? Now you have three men vs one woman and no way to continue the species. (or was it that lousy snake that helped create the rest of us, after all a lot of guys have been called "snakes in the grass",  of course I've never been called this).

Why were the first humans mentioned in the Bible only men and why (or how) did they get to live for hundreds of years? Why are men given such prominent place in the Bible and women a much more inferior place? Why was man created big and strong and women small and weak (or at least appearing a bit weaker then their other half).  Why were some men in the Bible allowed to have several wives? And women not have several husbands?  (They were probably lots smarter and said "If he wants two wives, fine with me, just get him out of the house and out from under my feet and let her deal with him")? Did God allow this since it was the same men who seem to have been the authors of much of the early Bible who had several wives and lived hundreds of years. Besides, didn't the men who wrote the Bible passages say their inspiration came from "God"?

Wouldn't Jonah have given the Whale "indigestion"?  Or at least a bad case of "gas"!
If Noah took two of each animal species on his Ark, did he simply reject the rest of each animal herd to it's faith (drowning)? If "God" was angry with man, why did HE allow all the left over animals to perish? (Wouldn't the two Lions have devoured the two Wildebeests? Leaving two big piles of Dung and is this where Dung Beetles came from?)
But I'm getting off track now. Anyway, these may just be metaphors (or metatwos, since I only list two above) for some other deep and meaningful meaning. (that's probably an oxymoron, "Men" and "Deep Meaningful Thoughts", after all, we know what's on most men's minds and it ain't Deep nor Meaningful!)

Why have all top religions always been started by a man? Abraham (who got his walking orders from "God the Father") appears to be the father of Judaism, followed by Jacob and John and King David! Then there is Buddha (a man who, by the way, abandoned his wife and kids to find enlightenment) and Christianity's "Jesus" (a man and son of "God" who is also supposedly a man "God the Father, God the son") and Islam's Muhammad (a man who, by the way, married his 10 year old cousin, one of his four wives, I believe). (oops, I may have just opened the door to igniting more Embassies into inferno's, for which I most humbly apologize, I'm just repeating what's in the teachings of Islam's holy books). 

Then there is Joseph (Smith that is) a man who started a religion that our next apparent President belongs to, and all the leaders of that religion are men (no woman need apply)!
For that matter, why have we never had a woman President? Hillary? Sarah? Martha Washington?  Close but no cigar! (I'm all for Mia Love, a Black Woman, Mormon, Mayor & Conservative, what else could you ask for, or how about Tim Tebow or Aaron Rogers)?

"Jesus" had 12 apostles, all men! Peter was one of those Apostles and (supposedly) created Catholicism who's church has always had a man as Pope. (OK, there is some talk of a woman assuming the Pope position short term but that's just speculation that most Catholics have swept under the Vatican rugs or under a Cardinals skirts).

Could it be that man (the big lug that he has always been with his infamous imagination and egotistical nature) could have created this image of "God" and Man being on the same level playing field (macho mania)? Will lightening strike me dead any minute now??

Enough of these blasphemous questions, now I need answers (or feed back or thoughts or pontifications or the back of my hands slapped with a ruler by Sister Agnes??)