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Friday, September 23, 2011

"A Post Turtle" (The wisdom of youth)

Hey Clem, (Sam asked) how you think this Obama and his stimulus plan doin for you? 
Well, ya know Sam, (Clem replied) Obama is really a "Post Turtle". What's a "Post Turtle" Clem?
Well Sam, when you're driving down a country road and you come across a fense post with a Turtle balanced on top, that's a "Post Turtle".

You know he didn't get up there all by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with?

"In Search of a Bridge"

After sending an advanced team of highly skilled Czar's and Czarina's (pictured above) to Cincinnati, Ohio  to locate the Ohio River Bridge, (which, as President Obama explained, spans the River Kwai somewhere between Kentucky, Ohio and Thailand) President Pompous Obama basked in the shadow of the old and obsolete Bridge and denigrated the opponents of his most brilliant "Half Trillion Dollar" jobs bill.

Shouting at anyone who passed his way "Help Us Rebuild This Bridge, Help Us Put Construction Workers Back To Work, Pass This Bill", three Carp and a couple Flounder (consisting of the entire Obama engineering Staff as well as the entire Photo Op audience) wagged their tails and spouted out fountains of water from their gills in complete agreement to his most wonderousness's (is that a word??) brilliance!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Our esteemed Political Leaders, a definite resemblance to Bernie Maddoff", like kissing cousins.

Social Security "IS" a Ponzi scheme! I've blogged this in the past but felt it was/is necessary to repeat myself (once again, sigh). You contributed to Social Security, so did your employer. Your money before taxes. Uncle Sam promised if you'd do this, he, in all his wisdom, would give you that money back at retirement age (now only an imbecile would ever question Uncle Sam). He meant well, he meant what he said, unfortunately he failed to take into account the "greed" the "corruption" the "self serving" the down right lies from our politicians (yup, both parties). A Ponzi scheme is where you have investors, (like social security), you promise them a return on their investment and their trust in you (like S.S. and Uncle Sam). Then they (politicians ) spend the money on frivolous things like never used airports in their jurisdiction with their name splashed all over that airport so they can pat themselves on the back and get re-elected. Ditto Bernie's Ponzi scheme, he used investors money to live lavishly. Both used future investors money to pay back those dividends (S.S. payments) to their first investors. They didn't invest the money, they squandered it. And they put IOU's in place of the money they squandered.

(A spade is a Spade no matter how you may twist it or what angle (or spin) you put on it.)

Now take Warren Buffet, in a fairly short period of time Warren Buffet invested his money in the stock market, he expanded by taking in investors, he invested in FOR PROFIT Corporations etc. His strategy was basic, "Buy and Hold" good solid companies. He is now the second richest man in the nation and his investors have become wealthy because of his "investing strategy". Had you invested your S.S. dollars with Warren you, too, would be wealthy today and would not need government handouts to live comfortably in your senior years.

Had the government invested the S.S. money in for profit industry Social Security would be flush with money today instead on bankrupt. It would have a surplus large enough to cover all the less fortunate who couldn't contribute (to no fault of their own). It wouldn't be asking our youth to pay more and wait longer in order to cover their elders.

Do the math sometime, ask S.S. exactly what you (and your employer) contributed over the years. Then multiply by a modest rate of return (investments have cycles but since investments began, over time they go UP), then factor in the rule of compounding. You will be amazed at what you'd have today.

We provide Trillions in Foreign Aid to nations with massive graft.
The poor of these countries aren't better off, the corrupt leaders of these countries are becoming rich instead. On your money! We could make S.S. solvent tomorrow by cutting off this aid to despots (remember we gave billions to Egypt and Libya and their leaders & families are now billionaires and their citizens (for the most part) are still living in the stone age). WHY?? Take this ill spent money and put it in a S.S. lock box (thanks for the suggestion Al Gore, not that I ever believed you'd actually do this). Invest that money (not in government bonds, they are just IOU's with little intrinsic value) We bailed out GM as an investment, why couldn't we invest in GOOD companies like Apple? Berkshire Hathaway? Microsoft? With the size of our investments we'd be sure to get favorable rates and terms. These companies would have money to expand and hire more employees, our economy would prosper, and our seniors would be protected.

If we need an unused airport (or to subsidize these unused airports with tax payer dollars), a bridge to nowhere, if we need to subsidize small town Cowboy poetry recitals, let the community benefiting by these endeavors decide the value and let them pay for it. Don't subsidize it with tax payer dollars so pompous ass politicians (Harry, Nancy you know who I'm talking about here) can boast of how great they smell.

There are solutions, what we desperately need is "leaders". Remember, "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" lets DUMP all those career politicians who have become totally and irrevocably corrupt and vote in some new blood. Then lets establish term limits so we never again suffer these corrupt, inept career  buffoons. Lets make America the great country it has always been, like the Statue of Liberty pictured on the top of this post, "we rock" a "bright shining star for all to see and emulate" !

 Phew, (is he done yet??) (Bob, take a deep breath, hit "publish" and get off the damn soap box already, thank you).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Why our educational system is falling behind other nations, finally a definitive answer (and other fun facts).

Finally a definitive answer: Why American children's education is falling behind those of other nations. Andulus Radio, Mogadishu, Somalia, in a Quaran (aka Koran) recital contest, children of this nation were awarded, First Place a Rifle and $700.00, Second Place a Rifle and $500.00 Third Place Two Bombs. They also got a copy of the Koran (aka Quaran). (And probably a Bible to use for target practice). All we ever give our kids are Kudo's (no, not the animals with big horns, the stuff that ruins their teeth).

Talking about the Bible: According to Genesis 1:20 - 22, "The Chicken came Before the Egg"! Now you have the definitive answer to that age old question!

A recent discovery for all parents, most children have "Lachanophobia", (a fear of vegetables). A good Brussel Sprout upside the head usually cures this affliction.

Shakespeare spelled his name several different ways. Not to be out done, I've been spelling my name backwards for a long time, unfortunately no one seems to notice. (bob).

The phrase "Rule of Thumb" is derived from an old English law stating that you cannot beat your wife with anything wider then your thumb.  When brought up on charges for disobeying this law, most English men, as their defense,  said they were "Gynaephobic".  (A fear of women). A good Brussel Sprout upside the head usually cured this phobia!

And last but not least, "Phobatrivaphobia" (a fear of trivia about phobias).

Now you have "The Rest of the Story" !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Memo to Islam & all Muslims"

It isn't the Jews, it isn't Israel, it's your leaders!! They are using the Jewish people as "scape-goats" for their greed and incompetence. Wake up Islam. We in America don't hate you, we want you to be free (just as we are). We want you to have the freedom to practice your religion as you want to. 
We don't want to colonize your country, we never wanted to stay in your lands, we want to leave as quickly as possible. But we want to hand you a free country, free from oppression and from despot leaders. Free to create a prosperous country for it's people (YOU).

Take a look at your leaders, they are all wealthy beyond belief while you are kept without jobs, poor and destitute and they blame the Jews. But how in the world did they become Billionaires? Saddam had Billions in banks in many free capitalist countries while he raped your treasury, built castles to his memory, and left you with "nothing" and he blamed the Jews. Imagine if he took the wealth of your nation and used it to build a better infrastructure for YOU. If he invested in his country for your future.  Israel has a piece of desert like you do but without the oil wealth. They invested in their own country and are now very prosperous as are all the Muslims who live in Israel under Israels  freedoms and protections. Muslims in Israel have more freedoms then Muslims have in any other dictator run country.

Take Mubarak, again he and his family are Billionaires, taken from your treasuries. While you scramble to find employment, any kind of mundane employment to feed and cloth your families. WHY?

How about Qaddafi,  he and his family are Billionaires while you live in poverty and despair. WHY?

Israel didn't cause this, your leaders did. The same dictators who amass fortunes on your backs while keeping you repressed and under their thumbs. Israel didn't gas Muslims, Saddam gassed his very own  people, the citizens of Iraq, when they didn't agree with him or opposed him. Saddam's sons would slaughter anyone who even looked angry at them or their dad.

Imagine if they (your leaders)  used these funds for the good of your nation and your people. You could have factories, you could be building things for the betterment of your nation, you could have industry, infrastructure and comforts you, today, can't imagine of ever having. Put your plights directly on the shoulders of those responsible, your leaders, not the Jews. They (your dictator leaders) keep their power by using Israel as a scape-goat to keep you angry at someone other then themselves.  Hitler was an expert in this, so are the Imams who rule Iran. Ditto Syria and Jordan and even Iraq and all the northern Muslim African countries. Dictators who use their power to enrich themselves and keep you subservient. Too afraid to stand up to them (a fear which they thrive on).

You have an unbelievable opportunity today, under the Arab Spring uprising in Egypt and Tunisia and Syria and Libya etc. With your oil wealth, if it filtered down to you, the people, rather then to the bank accounts of your corrupt dictator leadership, you could be an extremely prosperous nation and every one of you could share in this wealth and become prosperous. If this doesn't happen now that you have been given the opportunity, you can't blame Israel nor the United States, you have only yourselves to blame.

Sharia law won't get you any freedoms, it will only get the Imam's  rich while you continue to suffer under their control, they are dictators just as bad as Saddam was and Mubarak was. Wake Up. Don't fall for the "same old same old" blaming Israel, they (those who rule under those same Sharia laws) will continue to enrich themselves thru fear and intimidation. Take a good look at Iran, unemployment thru the roof,the youth becoming radicalized due to the lack of employment, no freedoms but those the leaders allow you to have which always enriches those with the power in these dictatorships. The Israels aren't raping you of your wealth, your dictators and your corrupt leaders are.

Wake up before it's too late and the Muslim Brotherhood and Dictators and Sharia Law Leaders lead you to a level of poverty much lower then you already are suffering from.

Wake Up Muslims, Wake Up and Smell Your Freedom's !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hey, That's Me !

Do you get up in the morning, look into the mirror and see something familiar? It's a tough life however, as a very famous philosopher once said, "We Get Too Soon Old  and Too Late Smart" (poof, my brain just exploded from all this in-depth wisdom and brilliance). Hugs to all my readers! Burro Chips !

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme! You "bet your bippy" it is!

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry recently said Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme! (And the liberals, in unison, all said Boo Hiss). Unfortunately he, Perry, "hit the nail on the head". Lets take Bernie Maddoff's Ponzi Scheme first, he had people give him money (they erroneously considered it an investment). He (Bernie) promised a spectacular return on the invested money, in time and he actually honored that promise (at least for awhile). He spent that (invested)  money on his own lavish living expenses and paid initial investors back with future investors money. The initial investors who made money told friends and others about Bernie's promised huge returns and got them to invest. Not once did Bernie actually "invest" any of that money in a real and profitable investment. He spent lavishly on himself and his family and other close compatriots.

Now lets go to that grand old Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security. The government (aka politicians) got honest folk to give them money with a future promise of returns in time. The government (again politicians), instead of investing that money in honest to goodness profitable investments, spent that money on themselves, their States and constituents (bridges to nowhere, airports with no airplanes landing at them and towns that wanted cowboys to have a place to recite poetry, etc.) with the same thoughts (that good old Bernie had) that future investors would pay the initial investors when the investments came due.

So in both cases the good folk who invested "got screwed", while good old Bernie and the Politicians (both parties) got richer and richer on OPM (other peoples money).

The difference is that Bernie, when caught at his grand old Ponzi scheme, went directly to jail without collecting the $200.00 prize for passing GO. The Politicians, who did the same as Bernie, got re-elected and eventually retired and lived lavish lives on the public's money "for ever after" amen. (Both political parties are as guilty as sin in this Ponzi scheme called Social Security).

Had Bernie (or the Politicians) invested the money they received in good old fashioned investments (sort of like Warren Buffet invested and became hugely wealthy) Bernie would be a hero to his investors today and Social Security would be solvent for the next several hundred years instead of being bankrupt.

So YES, Governor Perry was right when he said Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. It was never meant to be that way but when corrupt politicians got wind of the huge surplus's in the Social Security "lock box" they simply opened it up and spent it with abandon and replaced it with a future generations IOU's knowing damn well they wouldn't be around when these IOU's finally came due!

So it appears "Crime Does Pay" but only when you are in government and control the system and have no liability because you control the system and have included a "No Liability Clause" in the system. (see Barney Frank or Chris Dodd, two out of hundreds of politicians who got away and continue to get away with "Grand Theft" because they have no liability according to their own policies and laws they created and passed.)

(Thus, thank heaven, the second coming of the "Tea Party")

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A quick endorsement for "The Donald"

Donald Trump for President! Oy Vey! Once upon a time there was a political party in New York City (Liberal Democrats all). They had an Ice Skating Rink in Central Park that they wanted to renovate (Wollman Rink was it's name). Being the brilliant politicians that they were (brainless but with huge ego's), they started the renovations in 1980. By 1985 they had spent twelve million dollars on the renovations, they showed very little progress and they were absolutely at a loss as to what to do next! (Other then increase taxes and pour more money down the never ending Ice Skating Rink hole). Along came "The Donald", somewhere between combing his hair, marrying and divorcing one cutie after another and successfully building major projects in New York City and Atlantic City, he made a proposal to the Mayor of New York. He said he'd take over the Ice Skating Rink project and finish it in record time and he said he'd take NO profit from the project. Absolutely not, said the brilliant politicians, impossible, who is this upstart anyway, what audacity to think he could do better then us, after all we are brilliant politicians, he's just a lowly "tax payer", what nonsense! But, after a while the very same politicians thought "What a great way to embarrass the Donald" so they approved his proposal and the Donald took charge. They agreed on a three million dollar budget and a one year completion time frame (they were even giving odds on The Donald's eventual failure to their cronies, the Democrats in New Jersey). Seems the Donald had the last laugh though, six months later, at a cost of just $750,000.00 (in total, saving the tax payers over two million dollars) the Donald had finished the project and the end result was ten times better then anyone could even imagine!

We have a Fourteen Trillion Dollar Debt, our present President wants to sink even more tax payer money into our debt load, he wants to borrow even more from China to pay for his "pork project" bridges to nowhere and a high speed trains from one point in the the desert, non stop to another point in the the desert.

Who would be better in serving the "Tax Payers" interests??

The Donald would NOT be indebted to any "special interest" lobbyists (like the Harry and the Barack and the Nancy are).

The Donald is known as a tough SOB (son of a businessman), he'd NEVER bow to a foreigner (like some one we may recognize as having done just that, several times, and to our enemies to boot).

My money is on "The Donald"! (and just think, a new First Lady every year and each more gorgeous then the last)!!! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My list of what's wrong in America today!
#1 Al Sharpton
#2 Al Sharpton
#3 Al Sharpton
#4 Etc. etc. etc.