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Friday, November 16, 2012

"The Fossil that will end the world"

Frances Fox Piven, (pictured above) 
Professor Francis Fox Piven" that is! 

Has said;

The problem that could 
potentially end the life of the planet is;

"Pollution and the use of Fossil Fuels"!

She puts the full blame on America! 
Yup, she blames us, (you, me, all of us who may actually 
"Love America")

She also derided both parties for making;
 "Claims That Make People Feel Good About America"
   Obama and Romney actually had the audacity to want us 
to feel good about our country? How dare they??

Here's a woman (at least I think she's a woman) 
who has been living off  public tax dollars all her life,
who has the freedom to spout off all sort of hatred and nonsense,
who, as a professor, has tenure and can't be fired for any reason,
who hates the country who has given her all these freedoms,
who also hates the idea of someone actually loving their country.

Folks, I humbly disagree with the Professor,

 It's much more likely, 
the "Fossil",
(pictured above),
  will be the end of life on our planet!

Francis Fossil Piven is a Marxist, Communist who 
(along with all the liberals and progressives,
 who swoon over her every word)
will bring America to its knees if given the chance.
"She" is the hatred that will destroy all that we hold dear!
She is also an adviser to someone who recently won re-election!

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Black Tuesday" Nov. 6th, 2012

Black Tuesday,
the day "Entitlements" became more important 
then "Pride" and "Self Worth"!

"The New Face of America"

"The New Depressed Value of the American Dollar"

"America's newest allies and BoJangles bed partners"

"The Future of America (in a nut shell)"

"The Future of Marriage in America"

"More Stimulus Spending costing Trillions of additional debt"

"The Value of the Dollar"

"The NUTS and SCREWS in Government today"

"And more stimulus spending"

"The newest addition to Obama Motors"

"The Newest Standard for Medicare"

"Our Newest Navy Battleships"

"The feeling among American Patriots"

"The Newest Subsidized Housing for Seniors"

"The America we once knew and loved"

"America's Underground Society"

"The Future of America if (and only if) America Wakes Up"

"The Future of America if we Don't Wake Up"

"Black Tuesday, a truly sad day that will live in Infamy"

Pass this on to everyone on your E mail list if you wish, 
(or not) 
the future is in Your Hands!

As Ben Franklin said to a citizen asking him what kind of government he created,

"A Republic, if you can keep it"

We lost that Republic today, lost to a Socialist, Narcissist with Marxist leanings, only YOU can get that Republic back!


The Destruction of a once Great Country !!!!

BoJangles wins, 
America goes the way of past Empires 
like Greece and Rome.

Black Tuesday (no pun intended) and 
America Burns While Barry Fiddles.

Headline in our newspaper today, 

"The Best Is Yet To Come" 

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of the disaster in Libya.

Like more Fast and Furious disasters and fiasco's.

Like the totally inept and incompetent handling of our economy!

Like spending OPM on many more Solyandra's!

Like Gas prices skyrocketing well above todays levels.

Like borrowing many more Trillions from China thus allowing China to assume our place in the World.

Like allowing Iran to get nuclear power and shortly thereafter nuclear armament.

Like taking the Muslim Brotherhood in as a bed partner.

Like disavowing Israel as an ally.

Like the Taliban regaining absolute power in Afghanistan.

Like Iran gaining power in Iraq.

Like Al Queda becoming a much more powerful force.

Like the Muslim Brotherhood taking over many more Muslim countries.

Like Sharia law being put in effect all over the world including America.

Like more severe terrorist attacks on our country and other countries.

Like the USA falling into a deep depression.

Like the Dollar losing most of it's value.

Like Corporations abandoning America.

Like Unemployment skyrocketing.

Like welfare and food stamps skyrocketing.

Like seniors being refused life saving procedures due to their age and usefulness.

Like America becoming an "Entitlement" country similar to Greece and on the way to bankruptcy.

Like "Taxes"  which WILL go up for everyone except the multitude on welfare.

Like "amnesty" for all illegals so that the liberal progressive party keeps it's power base.


Thank you the uninformed, thank you the uneducated, thank you all you government dependent folk, thank you Unions, thank you Socialists of America, thank you Progressives, thank you to all of you who believe your loose morals and promiscuous desires should be paid for by the rest of us, thank you the lady that wanted freebies from the BoJangles stash, thank you all you black panthers intimidating others at polling places, thank you all you brain dead politicians, ie; harry reid, nancy pelosi, barney frank etc etc, thank you all you who knew better but didn't vote, and thank you barry hussein obama for all your lies and deceit and bs and thank you BoJangles, for your "middle finger salute" to the American people and the America I love.

Yes, "The Best Is Yet To Come"!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How we pick a President!

In America you can win at Monopoly (or become President)  even if you don't have the common sense to use a handkerchief to blow your nose in instead of a shirt sleeve.

In America you can get to be President no matter how little you've ever accomplished or how totally incompetent and inept you actually are. As long as your "Perception" of yourself is much greater then the sum of your accomplishments! And, as long as you can convince
(aka dupe) the American public of this!

Don't believe me??

Happened in 2008, could happen again in 2012 !

In a private corporation, to get ahead, you must work your way up the ladder of success. You start at the bottom of the corporate ladder and, if you do a good and competent job you get a promotion. As you progress and continue to do a good and competent job you continue to get promoted until you reach the top of the corporate pyramid and become the CEO! However you still need to report to a board of directors and stock holders so you can't simply slide at this point  (true for most corporations).

In Government however all you need to do is to cover your..........................
(back side, front side, what ever side is most vulnerable) and lie thru your teeth
(the bigger the smile the bigger the lies).
(This picture, on left, seems to tell it all).

You can go from total obscurity (such as a community organizer, for instance) to top dog,
 (aka President of the most powerful country in the world)
 in one leap without so much as having ever shown an ounce of true leadership nor true competency and having absolutely no ability to actually  handle the job.

All you need is a Cheshire Cat Smile
and a
Bojangles Song and Dance!

You can even get away with the "middle finger salute"  if you pander enough to the gullible public
and give them enough handouts and freebies.

You can spend OPM (other peoples money) with absolutely no regard for the future of the young'uns who will have to eventually pay for your incompetence, mismanagement and total disregard for anyone but yourself and the power you crave.

It will take

"We The People" 

to send you packing to those other
 places where all you need do is to demand your right to total government support without so much as a modicum of effort on your part.

"We The People"

 will even allow you  your Constitutional rights to "oogle" whatever you like just so you don't actually "touch" our Constitution ever again.

That's what a truly free country is all about!!

"You Betcha"


"We The People"

need to vote on Tuesday,
we need to kick out the totally incompetent (you know who)
and Vote In a return to sanity in government (you also know who this is)!


"God" Bless America !!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"The Kiss of Death" (Part Two) or, "World War Three" is just around the corner!

Who said:  "The Future Must NOT Belong to Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam" ??
Either of the two dude's pictured above? Nope! Some Muslim Cleric or Ayatollah?? Nope! A Terrorist?? Nope! The Muslim Brotherhood?? Nope! Alfred E Newman?? Nope, but close!
Give up??
President Barack Hussein Obama, OUR VERY OWN PRESIDENT, said that as he spoke to the U.N. General Assembly last month! . The same guy who bowed to a Saudi Prince. The same guy who thought he was "Eye Candy" recently on "The View"  (his very own words) rather than meet with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (or any other U.N. leader)!

So what does that have to do with World War Three  ??  (you may ask)!

Iran has called for the total destruction of Israel. Iran is within months of  perfecting a Nuclear Bomb. Iran has increased it's Air Force and Navy and even has a new Aircraft Carrier as well as a major increase in Rockets with the ability to deliver explosives well beyond Israel's borders! Iran has one of the largest Army's of any Muslim country. Iran calls us "The Great Satan" and calls Israel "The Little Satan", Iran has stated publicly that it is willing to martyr it's citizens for the greater good of Islam. Americans love life (as do Israelites), Iran and many Muslims have stated publicly they love death because it's the path to paradise (thus their desire to become suicide bombers, go directly to paradise and get their 72 Virgins, and they really really believe this).
Iran has the means and capability to deliver a Nuclear Bomb against Israel and many parts of Europe.
Iran is and has buried it's Nuclear development sites under ground and in caves too deep to destroy by conventional weapons. Iran has stock piled Chemical, Biological and will soon have Nuclear weapons. Iran is our "Worst Nightmare"!

Israel has conventional weapons but not the bunker busters that it would take to destroy the Iranian Nuclear Facilities buried under ground. America has the Bunker Buster Bombs needed to temporarily destroy parts of Iran's underground Nuke facilities. Unfortunately America, under its present leadership, does NOT have the will (aka Gonads) to use these weapons against Iran. Iran knows this, it is and has been obvious for the past several years of our present administration. China and Russia are supporters of Iran! The U.N. has no backbone and no desire to get involved any further then they already have with sanctions that don't work. Therefore Israel is very hesitant to attack Iran's Nuclear sites AT THIS TIME. They don't have the backing nor support of the U.N. nor the European Union, nor America under it's present leadership to take out Iran's Nuke sites.

Egypt and Iran are developing a very close relationship. Both have publicly stated (recently) they want the total destruction of Israel. Iran hates America.  Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has the same feelings about us however they are temporarily willing to tone down these feelings a bit as long as we are giving them billions of dollars of support and aid including military hardware (ie; tanks, weapons etc.) and as long as we have an American President and Secretary of State willing to placate them! Also remember, Egypt is already attacking, killing and imprisoning Coptic Christians while this administration sleeps! Hundreds of Thousands of Coptic Christians have already escaped Egypt and thousands continue to leave daily. They have also said, publicly, "They (Muslims) Will Not Rest Until They Raise The Flag of Islam Over The Vatican" !!! They want a world wide "Caliphate"!

Are you with me so far??   Now for a short lesson in strategy!

Iran basically controls the Strait of Hormusz, the main (and only) passage for ships coming from the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Omen, (map, above right, circled). This is one of the main shipping lanes to and from Saudi Arabia and it's oil fields. Yes, we have Navy Battle Ships and Aircraft Carriers in this area but SO DOES IRAN. Iran has also threatened to MINE the Straight of Hormusz and have done so in the past. Iran has Terrorists and Military members who would love to fill a small power boat with explosives and martyr themselves against any of our Naval ships (they've already done this in Yemen). Saudi Arabia has no real Army nor Navy nor Air Force that could deter Iran for more then 24 hours at most. Remember when Iraq's Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, it was America who had to go to Kuwaitis rescue, NOT Saudi Arabia. (I doubt Oman has more then three soldiers in its entire military). It's primarily the USA that keeps this shipping lane open for oil tankers.

Egypt totally controls the Suez Canal which leads directly to the Mediterranean Sea which is another main sea lane for oil tankers from Saudi Arabia. Egypt also controls most of the Red Sea area. Thus Egypt controls the shipping lanes for Saudi Arabian oil shipments either going north to the Mediterranean Sea or going south to the Gulf of Aden. About 20,000 ships pass through the Red Sea and Suez Canal every year, that's about 55 oil bearing ships per day. Egypt also has a large Army, Navy and Air Force. Yemen (on the southern tip of Saudi Arabia) is presently in major turmoil and very close to a Civil War! Iran has taken a major interest in Yemen recently and is supplying the rebels with Money, Guns and Ammunition!  Somalia (in North Eastern Africa) is awash in Pirates, Terrorists and Despots and Thugs who would love to see the destruction of America and the Sudan is a bankrupt desert wasteland partially ruled by Terrorist Organizations!

When Egypt and Iran were major enemies (in the recent past) and hated each other with a passion and when Mubarak held power in Egypt and was our ally, these oil shipping lanes were kept open and fairly secure. With a show of strength in the area by the American Navy, and with no close allies of Iran's in this area, Iran was not going to do anything really stupid.

OK, lets put it all together.

The two guys (pictured at the top) are now "bosom buddies", in bed with each other (hug, hug, kiss, kiss) and they both HATE and want to destroy Israel and America (boo, hiss, boo, hiss) they have gone from enemies to allies. They both have major military forces and between them they control a large portion of the worlds oil and oil shipping lanes. Iran WILL have a Nuclear Bomb, probably in a couple months. Iran wants to obliterate Israel and doesn't give a "hoot" how many Iranians may die (in retaliation) because of the total insanity of Iran's leadership. China and Russia basically support Iran and, recently, Egypt has been developing close ties and relationships with both China and Russia. It's no secret China and Russia would like to bring America to it's knees. Russia already has its own supply of oil however China desperately needs and wants a very close relationship with these oil producing nations.

Without total American support, (which it doesn't have) Israel is hesitant to do anything drastic to Iran at this time, but, to protect their citizens they WILL have to do something drastic against Iran,
and soon (very soon, months??). They may be holding off in hopes of a Romney win in this election but that's only my speculation.

Major U.S. and U.N. sanctions against Iran (which have been total failures so far) haven't stop Iran from their Nuclear Development program. If Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Sites, Iran will retaliate with everything in their arsenal against Israel (they've said so publicly) (and maybe drop a few bombs on Europe, just for fun and a show of total lunacy frightening Europe into a complete state of complacency). America (under it's present administration) is unwilling to go to Israels defense, partially because of Americas involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as South Korea and Germany and (etc. etc. etc.) America is spread so thin right now, militarily, that they may not be able to get involved (and Obama is reducing our military spending and strength so drastically we are about to become a third world nation, militarily). Russia and China know this therefore they won't get involved in an Iran, Israel war other then to supply Iran (and Egypt if they side with Iran) with military weapons, supplies etc. Europe and the European Union, including the Euro, are in terrible shape, very near bankruptcy. Chances of them becoming involved are minimal. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, even Ireland are on the cusp of bankruptcy, we don't know if England's Prime Minister is another Chamberlain (of WW2 fame) besides, half of England is now Pakistan's now. This only leaves us Germany as a capable ally and they can't hold the rest of Europe together much longer. Remember, there's rioting in the streets of Spain, France, Greece, etc. and not just the Arab countries. Also remember, Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) just got re-elected for another 6 years and who knows what that socialist crack pot may do or who he might side with (won't be us, that's for sure).

So where does this leave us??

 In order to protect it's citizens and prevent Iran from getting "The Bomb" Israel attacks the Iranian Nuclear sites. Iran retaliates with everything in its arsenal against Israel and a few stray rockets go off target and hit Europe (intentionally or by error? who knows?) (Iran says "oop's", Europe verbally responds "That Wasn't Nice" now apologize to us or else and the Euro collapses). Iran and Egypt cut off all oil shipments from Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf region thus destroying the European and American economies (more then they already are). Some European nations, aka England, and America jump into the fight and attack Iran. Egypt (under the Muslim Brotherhood) and the majority of Muslim nations (now also under Muslim Brotherhood control) are forced to take sides and, because of religious ties and connections plus the fact the Koran requires them to side with each other if any are attacked, they all side with Iran and Egypt. At this point even Iraq sides with the Muslim Nations (they've been cuddling up to Iran for years and we've ignored this mainly because President Barack (eye candy) Obama has been too busy going on The View and Letterman shows). If most of the FREE world gets involved, who do you suppose Russia and China will support?? This time Japan will probably side with us however with China breathing down their necks, who knows, as for France?? Who knows, you gotta remember France now has a Socialist President!

You think I'm "blowing smoke"?? If Obama gets another 4 years he WILL reduce our Army to a shadow of its former self. The Obama administration WILL NOT support Israel! We WILL be indebted by Tens of Trillions of Dollars (plural) to China and Russia in order to support Obama's birth to death welfare state. Iran WILL have The Bomb! Egypt and Iran HAVE (in fact) become allies! Muslim Nations ARE under Muslim Brotherhood control! Muslim Brotherhood IS a terrorist organization! China and Russia DO support Iran as well as Syria! Syria's uprising IS in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran DOES support the Assad Syrian government so it doesn't matter which way this conflict goes, either way it simply goes against us! All Islamic nations ARE in turmoil. Terrorists ARE in every nook and cranny of Indonesia  which IS an Islamic nation, who do you think they will support??  (Besides, how could I be "blowing smoke" when I quit smoking 40 years ago!)

Today Syria and Turkey are at the cusp of war, Iran, China and Russia support Syria. Iran WILL have a Nuclear Bomb by Christmas (and they don't believe in Christmas).  If this isn't a WAKE UP CALL for the U.N. and for this administration, NOTHING will wake them up other then a a very loud BOOM!

Now for a touch of HOPE (no, not Hope and Change, that didn't work). Romney gets elected President. Romney tells Israel he supports them both verbally and militarily if needed. Iran decides both America and Israel attacks are more then they want to face right now. Iran stops it's Nuclear weapons programs (temporarily at best). The U.N. and Europe breath a sigh of relief. China decides lending us money and collecting interest is better then a war. Romney lowers taxes (for everyone), stimulates the economy creating more tax revenue and allowing America to pay down our debt and balance the budget. Romney's policies (from his vast CEO experiences) lower our unemployment drastically and many more Americans come off welfare and become tax payers. And we all live happily ever after (or at least until the next group of Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Democrats get the power and decide to play Monopoly with our lives, our homes and our country, at which time it starts all over again).

But what do I know, I'm Polish and eat Czarnina! Do your own Research (Google it), Vote your conscience but remember that future generations are depending on you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Inflation" A True Story in Pictures !

Many years ago I traveled extensively in Africa. That's me (pictured above) on top of a sand dune in the Sahara Desert.

Our World wasn't in the turmoil it's in today, we were fairly safe but careful and watchful! I survived a six month trip from Morocco to Algeria, North Africa, crossing the the Sahara Desert and the Sahel, zig zagging and camping (pup tents all the way, eating roast Monkey brain and Wildebeast along with the occasional Grub or two) thru the majority of African countries (including a rain forest hunt for Dik Dik with a Pygmy Tribe and a trek well into Gorilla country) all the way down to Johannesburg, South Africa (with only one severe case of dysentery in Algeria, "Allah's Revenge"??)

Our means of traveling (pictured above) down the African Continent, including the Sahara Desert (in the north)and the Kalahari Desert (in the south) for well over six months!

Africa was delightful, people and prices were both friendly and reasonable. The scenery and game parks were outstanding! (I fell in Love with Africa, but I digress).

In the early 1980's Zimbabwe was a comparatively sane and normal African nation. While in Zimbabwe we were able to buy a loaf of bread with a couple of these $2.00 Dollar Zimbabwe Bills (pictured above). The bread was just out of the oven, hot and delicious. (With the exchange rate at that time, this was probably well under twenty cents).

In the 1980's  Robert Mugabe (pictured above) became Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and in 1987 he became Executive Head of State (aka President) of Zimbabwe. Mugabe ran on a socialist policy of  "Redistribution of Wealth". (Prior to the 1980's Zimbabwe was called Rhodesia and was primarily under British control). (The Brit's were probably classified as Conservatives and Mugabe was  considered a Liberal). Under Mugabe's policies of "Wealth Redistribution" he and his minions had the Zimbabwe printing presses running 24/7 printing and spending money like drunken sailors. (sound remotely familiar??)

Are you still with me??   OK, now on to present time, "Today", in Zimbabwe!

The currency note, (pictured above), Fifty Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars, is REAL money. (Honest to goodness real legal Zimbabwe tender).  This IS the Zimbabwe currency of today. This Fifty Trillion Dollars "may" buy that same loaf of bread we bought in the past for about Four Zimbabwe Dollars or Thirty Cents American! (You doubt me?? Google Zimbabwe Currency for the full story).

This is a young boy (pictured above), in Zimbabwe in present time, 2012, going to market to buy groceries for his family. He is carrying legal Zimbabwe currency.

Now (once again) to the present time. The man (pictured above) is the current President of America. He has personally stated that he believes in the "Redistribution of Wealth" and intends to do just that. Under the Federal Reserve Bank and it's current leader, Mr. Ben Bernacke, the two of them (Obama and Bernacke) have been printing U.S. currency 24/7 and spending like drunken sailors. This WILL lead to massive "Inflation" and a drastic devaluation of the American Dollar.

President Obama (pictured above, in suit) has us "On The Road To Zimbabwe" (sorry Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, your movies were very funny, this isn't)! Sixteen Trillion in Debt today and, if given another four years, Obama will most probably double that figure. Your children will be carrying a handful of American Dollars to buy a "loaf of bread" unless "we the people" can put an immediate stop to this insanity.

A TRUE story (in pictures) of runaway "Inflation". You can't make this stuff up!

World War Three is only a Kiss Away (Part One)

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (both pictured above) embraced in August 2012 while President Obama and other American leaders slept (dreaming of Sugar Plum Fairies saving the economy and the world).
This is the first time in more then 30 years that the leaders of Egypt and Iran have embraced. Prior to the Muslim Brotherhood taking total control over Egypt both Iran and Egypt hated each other with a vengeance (they are now "Birds of a Feather" flocking together with World domination as their goal)!

Why should this concern us and our esteemed leaders? Let me provide a short history lesson. In the 1970's the U.S.A. convinced Israel to give the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt. Israel agreed but with one condition, that Egypt would agree to a peace treaty with Israel. Egypt agreed. In 1978 the Egypt-Israel peace treaty was ratified at Camp David and this treaty has been the foundation of peace between Egypt and Israel for the past 30 years. Our Egyptian ally, Hosni Mubarak, for these past many years has kept the peace between these two countries. That is until the most recent Arab Spring uprising where the present American leaders put their full support (in money and military equipment) behind the militants (consisting of the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations). We basically supported a known and avowed terrorist over our ally, Mubarak. In doing so we have, with full knowledge and intent, thrown Israel (and Mubarak) under the bus!

For one thing, the 1978 treaty prohibited Egypt from moving it's military into the Sinai Desert. Egypt's Morsi has recently said this treaty is now broken and he is moving military troops including tanks and other major military armament into the Sinai Desert, near the Israel borders with Egypt. Remember that this same Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist, Muhammed Morsi, in past speeches, has called for the total destruction of Israel and removal of all Zionists from Arab lands and has an intense hatred for and of America. All of a sudden, and out of the blue, Obama and Morsi, with Hillary Clinton's implicit involvement, have become "kissing cousins"!

Recently, in the Jerusalem Times, columnist Caroline Glick (who also happens to live in Israel) has written; "President Mohammed Morsi has completed Egypt's Transformation into an Islamist State".
Ms. Glick based her statement on Morsi's recent firing of many of the top military commanders  replacing them with Muslim Brotherhood loyalists, then doing the same with the editors of Egypt's state owned news media. The radical terrorist group, the "Muslim Brotherhood" is now in total control of Egypt. Morsi now has complete control over the writing of the new Egyptian Constitution.With this control he can do as he pleases, no one can stop him. We've replaced a dictator (Mubarak) who was our friend, with a dictator (Morsi) who is our avowed enemy, and our administration continues to shovel money (in billions of dollars) and military armament to Egypt.

Deja Vu, we've made the same mistakes in the past, in 1979 we pushed our ally, the Shah Pahlavi of Iran, out of power and the radical Ayatollah took control of Iran capturing our entire Embassy and holding them as captives for well over a year. We supported Saddam Hussein of Iraq with armament and money when he was at war with Iran, later, in our war with Iraq these same arms and ammunition were used against our own soldiers. Ditto when Russia had taken control of Afghanistan, we gave billions of dollars and much armament to the many militias fighting the Russians in Afghanistan only to have helped the rise of the Taliban and have all these weapons turn against our soldiers in our war with Afghanistan after 9/11. And now Egypt and Libya. This level of ignorance is beyond belief!

What does all this have to do with Egypt and Iran and World War Three?

(This is part one of a three part series, part two will bring it all together, you can comment by clicking on the comment section of this blog, you can subscribe by entering your E mail address where requested, I do post it on Facebook if you want to "befriend" me, these are my opinions, if you disagree you are welcome to do so in the comments section, thanks for reading the blog, Burrochips)

Friday, September 28, 2012

In a show of total support and admiration, Barack salutes Benjamin

Our esteemed leader has an indepth and very meaningful discussion on the ongoing threat of the Iranian Nuclear Weapon problem with Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Netanyahu fully explained the problem in language Obama could understand (4th grade history lesson language) and Obama, being a man of few words (when discussing foreign policy which he has absolutely no concept or grasp of) listened very attentively (as this picture can attest to).

Both men left this meeting with a good grasp of the others position and support!

Shortly thereafter Obama met with the leaders of the Islamic nations where he totally threw his back out bow-ing to these despotic dictators in a show of complete subservience to their awesomeness.

Meanwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (in complete support of Obama's position on Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood) signed a U.N. mandate making it mandatory for everyone in the U.S.A. to bow to anyone who is wearing a towel around his skull (however she also signed a new international law making it illegal to call a "Towel Head" a "Towel Head" which is why I would NEVER call someone wearing a towel around his skull a "you know what")! In a show of solidarity with this mandate and the U.N. positions toward Islam and Terrorism, and complete subservience to all Muslims and other U.N. despotic leaders world wide, Hillary wore her Burka during the signing ceremony (which EVERYONE in attendance said was an improvement over her normal appearance). (She has a closet full of Burka's, Bill, aka Slick Willie, demands she wear them whenever they occupy the same bed (which is once a century or so). 

Meanwhile those good guys, the "Muslim Brotherhood", stoned to death six women for chewing gum in public, mutilated another eight pre-teen females (from 10 to 12 years of age) with circumcision, and married off three girls at the religiously approved marriageable age of eight years old, to their supreme leader who promised faithfully not to violate them until they were at least ten years old.

The Supreme Leader of Saudi Arabia, in a show of total and absolute disgust for the "Muslim Brotherhood" policies, lectured his harem of 76 concubines and slave girls along with his several dozen wives, about the despotic attitudes of those lowly "Brotherhood" misfits!

All True!! It would take someone with a really warped mind to make this stuff up!!
Or, perhaps, someone who had one too many Burro Chip's and is suffering from a "sugar high"!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A well deserved Burro Chip for Barack Hussein Obama !!!

The World is in total turmoil. Iran is within months of getting nuclear weapon capability. All the Islam Nations are in turmoil or civil unrest (aka war) with the extremely radical group, "The Muslim Brotherhood" and other despots and terrorists taking over their governments.

On the Home Front our unemployment is still sky high with no sign of recovery in sight. Debt has increased by 6 Trillion Dollars in the short Obama term at the helm and exceeds 16 Trillion Dollars with no end in sight. Gas prices going thru the roof. We are near or in a major recession with a depression on the horizon unless drastic measures are implemented (something Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, collectively, have no clue how to resolve). Inflation is skyrocketing. The Federal Reserve is buying Real Estate loans with non-existent money (but heck, they have a printing press, so why worry). This will eventually destroy the value of the U.S. Dollar.

U.N. World leaders and rep's meet in New York where Iran's President Ahmadittytwit blasts and disparages Israel & America and calls for a "New World Order" (aka an Islamic Caliphate)  and Egypt's President demands laws that would completely destroy our "freedom of speech" while Obama makes excuses and panders to the Muslim leaders and totally refuses to meet with our main ally in that region, Israel's Prime Minister.

So, instead of meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, our esteemed leader, Barack Hussein Obama decides to go on "The View" where he makes the idiotic statement that he is just considered "Eye Candy" while fluttering his eye lashes and giving the adoring liberal female audience that huge smile he is so famous for displaying when he is totally at a loss on what to say that may be considered even slightly intelligent.

"Eye Candy"?? This total embarrassment of a supposed leader thinks he is "Eye Candy"?? He's sitting on "The View" puffing his pampers while the world burns (Nero played his fiddle, Obama fluttered his eye lashes) and tells the audience he is "Eye Candy"??

I think Harry Potter had the right mix of candy that Obama looks, acts and smells like, how about "Ice Mice" or "Jelly Slugs", or how about "Acid Pops" or "Peppermint Toads"? With his ears he  looks more like Disney's "Dumbo" then "Eye Candy".


If you still decide to vote for Obama in this election you will deserve what you get, unfortunately if Obama does win you will also have brought us all down to your level and a new level of total destruction of our great nation. You will be complicit in the creation of a New World Order or (as the "Muslim Brotherhood" wants), an "Islamic Caliphate".

Pass this on, send it as an attachment to all your E mail friends, please, and VOTE!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Burro Chip for Hillary

This Burro Chip (with a smell factor of 5 *)  goes to our very own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the recent atrocity of Muslim Thugs burning our Embassy and the Murdering Criminal Muslim Terrorists who killed our Libyan Ambassador and three other innocent Embassy employees, Ms. Hillary, (wife of our very own, Slick Willie) blames some obscure film about Mohammad and Islam (which, in any event, 99% of the viewing public never saw , including 99.9% of all Muslims and our entire political body of hypocrites).

A film posted on You Tube many many months ago. A film, I truly doubt, one percent of those THUGS ever actually saw (or understood if they did see it since it was in English and not in Farsi). The greater majority of these terrorist thugs are illiterate, possess no computers, have no means to actually view a You Tube film and if they do have the means (a computer) they are much too busy viewing porn and the degradation of women to break away and watch a film they wouldn't understand anyway.

Let's see if I have this straight, the Arab Spring Muslims decide and attempt to overthrow a Despot Dictator (Qadaffi) but are being killed in huge numbers by the Dictators superior AirForce. So America jumps into the fray and declares a "no fly zone" saving the lives of countless thousands of Arab Springers (not to be confused with Jerry Springer who at times may appear to be just as vile but when a country embraces "Freedom of Speech" this is accepted as one of our God given freedoms). We then help these very same Arab Spring folk with huge amounts of (taxpayer) money (millions of dollars) and arms and ammunition to fight Qadaffi. We help them get over tremendous odds in defeating Qadaffi. Our President praises them and their movement to the high heavens (where 72 Virgins await those Arabs males who were killed and the 72 Virgins that were killed are forced to service the Thug who was responsible for their deaths).

And to show us their gratitude they kill our Ambassador plus three other Americans and burn down our Embassy. Then our very own Secretary of State actually apologizes to them because some American actually thought "Freedon of Speech" was our (his) Constitutional right! The President (the same U.S. President who bowed to a Saudi prince while denegrating the Queen of England and the Prime Minister of Israel and telling the World that America isn't "exceptional" but, in fact, no better then Greece or some other third world bankrupt country) and our Secretary of State (the spouse of Slick Willie, the same guy who was paid millions by Saudi Royalty to air brush Saudi Arabia's image in the USA, the very same Saudi folk who build Maddrass (Islam) schools all over the World teaching hatred for and of the USA, go figure!) praise the Muslim Brotherhood for their attempts to bring democracy to the Arab lands. These same Muslim Brotherhood THUGS who denounce America, Democracy (they demand a world wide Theocracy) and our way of life and hate America with a vengence declaring Jehad against us and Israel! The same Brotherhood THUGS who stone women to death for crimes that we wouldn't even consider misdemeanors in the USA. Who mutilate womens bodies as soon as they reach the age of marriage (10 years old). Who not only believe in, but practice killing Christians solely because they are Christian and aren't followers of Islam (that peaceful religion our President keeps trying to shove down our throats while refusing our school children the right to sing Christmas songs).

These same US politicians who are so aghast at the You Tube Video (that they've never actually seen), the very same brilliant politicians who said "We Gotta Pass This Legislation So We Can See What's In It" and who had absolutely no problem with calling Christian Statues (such as the Cross and the Virgin Mary) soaking in a jar of Urine as WORK'S OF ART supporting it with millions of tax payer dollars!You can soak a Cross in Urine but you better never even touch a Koran if you aren't a Muslim.
These very same Muslim Terrorists and Thugs can behead our citizens while video tapeing it and showing it on world wide TV, they can strap a bomb to the body of a pre-teen and force him to blow himself (or herself, they don't discriminate) up killing hundreds of innocent Muslims, Christians, Jews (they don't give a flip who they kill). Then they bring our entire political body to it's knees begging them for forgiveness for a You Tube Video that presents much of Islam in it's proper light.

How in the world did we ever lose our greatness? (What ever happened to the good old days of
"You Can Do Anything But Don't Step On My Blue Swede Shoes" and twenty five cent gallons of gas or one cent candy or ten cent movie tickets, Fins and Skirts on cars and politicians who were war hero's ??? What happened to "Don't Ask What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Country") thank you JFK.

 How in the world can we ever regain this greatness? We desperately need to vote these "fruit cakes" (won't mention any last names but Harry and Nancy, Joe and Hillary, we know who you are) out of office and vote for some young Patriots in their place.

***(Our Burro Chip smell ratings, One to Five with one being "ToeFoo", two being "Pepe LePew", three being "Diaper PeeYew", four being "Pull my Finger Yew", and five being  "Buffalo Poo" !)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Religious Ponderings and other Pontifications!

Why is "GOD" always a "man"?

"God" created "Man" in HIS image!
"God" created Adam (the first "man") from what?? Thin air??
(OK,  HE'S  "GOD", so HE can do anything!)
If HE created the universe out of thin air why not Adam also out of thin air (or Lego's)?  
But then, why did HE need a RIB (Adams) to create woman? (Could all this be why men are so full of "hot air" and get "ribbed" so unmercifully over their beer belly's?)

Then HE took one of Adams ribs and created woman (Eve)! But if this were true, HE would have had a clone of Adam using Adam's DNA (which said rib would consist of), and not a somewhat different species (woman). OK, once again,  HE'S "God", HE can do whatever HE wants with whatever HE wants to use to do it with!

Why did HE create Adam in HIS image (body parts and all I assume) and not realize Adam would have no use for some of his body parts,  being alone and all?
Adam got lonely so "God" gave him a companion (Eve). Who's image was Eve created in??
If Adam was in "God's" image wouldn't "God" have wanted to use some of HIS parts for procreation? Thus could there have been a "Mrs. God"? Who's image Eve was created in!!

Am I being blasphemous yet?? Let me ad a little disclaimer. I'm definitely NOT an atheist. I believe there is a "supreme being". The universe is simply much to humongous and too vast and complex to believe it happened with a "Big Bang". (Who lit the match??) If the Universe was created out of something the size of a pin head (as scientist's seem to believe) who created that something that was used, which was the size of said pin head? Scientists believe the universe is expanding, into what?? If space is finite it couldn't expand and if it was infinite it wouldn't need to expand. So there must be something "supreme", a vast intelligence beyond our imaginations, to be behind all this (wouldn't you think? I do !!)! Maybe I'm an Agnostic? But I don't think so, I was raised a Catholic and still consider myself a Catholic thus I'm a Christian (at least I think so). But being a Christian doesn't preclude me from thinking, pondering and pontificating (does it??). When someone stops pondering & pontificating it clogs up the mental systems like a bad case of constipation of the brain. (OK, lets keep jokes about Joe Biden to ourselves)!

If Adam and Eve had two sons (Cain and Able) how did two boys populate the world?
(There were no women at that time since Adam was "first man" and Eve "first woman")!
If by some chance Adam and Eve also had daughters (there is no mention of this in the Bible though), would that not have been considered "incest"! Cain and Able would only have had their sisters to help populate the world with, (having children with their  brothers is something I believe all women would find repulsive and repugnant)?
And why only two sons? Now you have three men vs one woman and no way to continue the species. (or was it that lousy snake that helped create the rest of us, after all a lot of guys have been called "snakes in the grass",  of course I've never been called this).

Why were the first humans mentioned in the Bible only men and why (or how) did they get to live for hundreds of years? Why are men given such prominent place in the Bible and women a much more inferior place? Why was man created big and strong and women small and weak (or at least appearing a bit weaker then their other half).  Why were some men in the Bible allowed to have several wives? And women not have several husbands?  (They were probably lots smarter and said "If he wants two wives, fine with me, just get him out of the house and out from under my feet and let her deal with him")? Did God allow this since it was the same men who seem to have been the authors of much of the early Bible who had several wives and lived hundreds of years. Besides, didn't the men who wrote the Bible passages say their inspiration came from "God"?

Wouldn't Jonah have given the Whale "indigestion"?  Or at least a bad case of "gas"!
If Noah took two of each animal species on his Ark, did he simply reject the rest of each animal herd to it's faith (drowning)? If "God" was angry with man, why did HE allow all the left over animals to perish? (Wouldn't the two Lions have devoured the two Wildebeests? Leaving two big piles of Dung and is this where Dung Beetles came from?)
But I'm getting off track now. Anyway, these may just be metaphors (or metatwos, since I only list two above) for some other deep and meaningful meaning. (that's probably an oxymoron, "Men" and "Deep Meaningful Thoughts", after all, we know what's on most men's minds and it ain't Deep nor Meaningful!)

Why have all top religions always been started by a man? Abraham (who got his walking orders from "God the Father") appears to be the father of Judaism, followed by Jacob and John and King David! Then there is Buddha (a man who, by the way, abandoned his wife and kids to find enlightenment) and Christianity's "Jesus" (a man and son of "God" who is also supposedly a man "God the Father, God the son") and Islam's Muhammad (a man who, by the way, married his 10 year old cousin, one of his four wives, I believe). (oops, I may have just opened the door to igniting more Embassies into inferno's, for which I most humbly apologize, I'm just repeating what's in the teachings of Islam's holy books). 

Then there is Joseph (Smith that is) a man who started a religion that our next apparent President belongs to, and all the leaders of that religion are men (no woman need apply)!
For that matter, why have we never had a woman President? Hillary? Sarah? Martha Washington?  Close but no cigar! (I'm all for Mia Love, a Black Woman, Mormon, Mayor & Conservative, what else could you ask for, or how about Tim Tebow or Aaron Rogers)?

"Jesus" had 12 apostles, all men! Peter was one of those Apostles and (supposedly) created Catholicism who's church has always had a man as Pope. (OK, there is some talk of a woman assuming the Pope position short term but that's just speculation that most Catholics have swept under the Vatican rugs or under a Cardinals skirts).

Could it be that man (the big lug that he has always been with his infamous imagination and egotistical nature) could have created this image of "God" and Man being on the same level playing field (macho mania)? Will lightening strike me dead any minute now??

Enough of these blasphemous questions, now I need answers (or feed back or thoughts or pontifications or the back of my hands slapped with a ruler by Sister Agnes??)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A short story of Burro Chips (part one)

I started a company called Burro Chips a long time ago (even incorporated it in Nevada). My intention was to actually have a "Cookie" (chocolate chip of course) to sell along with a host of other accessories like T Shirts, Hats, etc.

The cookies were to be in the shape of a "Burro"! My distribution was to be via ordering from a WEB site. I also envisioned a Kiosk type dispenser. Imagine going into any shopping area and finding a very large Burro. You would insert money into the Burro's currency receiver (probably in its mouth) and you then pump the Burro's tail and a nicely wrapped cookie would drop out of it's (use your imagination here so I don't have to go into detail) (yes the cookie is edible and yummy too). Every kid (especially young boys) would hound their Mom for the needed funds to insert just to see the "end" product coming out of the "end" as their sisters came close to barfing! (They already have toy animals where you pump the tail and
M & M's come out the mouth). Never did get that piece of brilliance off the ground but my intentions were honorable. (Profit, profit, and more profit).

I also envisioned a fairly large Chocolate Chip Cookie (front side or back side) to send to Politicians who do honorable or dishonorable things (you know, sort of like John Edwards or the Weiner guy). "This Burro Chip to you Congressman Weinerhead". (Remember the "Fickle Finger of Fate"?)
The good Senator Proxmire from Wisconsin used to give out an award called the Golden Fleece award, given to the most wasteful (of tax payer dollar) politicians.) I still may do this (the cookie thing) however there is a downside, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would end up with so many cookies I'd go broke!

So now you have the story behind Burro Chips.

So I started a Blog to get my frustrations off my chest (Obama and gang are good enough to give me an endless supply of material, thank you Mr. President and your most colorful group of ten thousand Czar's). I started to Blog for a newspaper (free) however they decided to look over every Blogger writings and if there was even a slight resemblance to one of their printed articles they'd sue you for plagiarism. (If their professional news writer placed an exclamation point after Obama's name and I did also would this be plagiarism??) Do you have any idea what it would cost me to fight this type nonsense? After all, the newspapers have a bunch of paid (ditto head) lawyers on staff, all I have is my S.S. payments and Obama may take those away from me in short order (especially if he ever read one of my Blogs). So I ended up telling said newspaper where to put their Burro Chip (Ooo, that would hurt)!
Sincerely, Burro Chips  (more to come in part two the sequel or sequin or seabee or seesaw, whatever).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

GOP Potential TV Ads

Ann Romney comes on screen, she explains her work position as 1st lady of Mass, Mom of 5, MS survivor,
then she states "Thru all my trials and tribulations I have ALWAYS been proud of my country"!
Canned Applause and the Flag,  or a couple quick takes of people who totally support Ann.

Screen shifts to Michelle and her statement "This is the first time I've been proud of my country" (end ad)

Obama making his statement that Republicans are in the way of College students and costs of education.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hypocrasy Thy Name Is "Teachers Unions"

Couple of interesting Quotes from the brass in teachers unions;

The head of a Washington D.C. teachers union said (to a Washington Post  reporter);

"As kids continue leaving the system, we will lose teachers. Our very survival depends on having kids in D.C. schools so we'll have teachers to represent".

This was in opposition to the Washington D.C. voucher program to let kids escape failing government schools
and why he fought that program.

A late teachers union president said;

"When school children start paying union dues, that's when  I'll start representing the interests of school children"

Did you know that government employed teachers make considerably MORE then private school teachers and that these private schools have much higher student test results?
Why is this?? Private schools can FIRE a bad or incompetent teacher, public schools can't!

This Burro Chip (above) to all those who put their own agenda in front of all the public school children who's very education is secondary to that of the interests of the unions.

( some of this is from the book "No They Can't", a book everyone should read)